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Christopher Laird has posted an article entitled, "Huge Gold Action and Earth-Shaking Change Imminent."
He is commenting on the reasons why the price of gold has gone up $200/oz. in just the past few months. There have been problems for decades with the twin problems of deficit spending and the trade imbalance. The difference today, Laird says, is that now the central bankers and chief economists have come to a consensus that the collapse of the USD (U.S. Dollar) is imminent.
"The consensus is that the USD system is now going to collapse, and even though central bankers don't know how to replace it, it will collapse anyway."
Again, he writes,
"IF it is true that the danger of a collapse of the USD has been known for some time, why just now are central bankers world wide publicly discussing this fact?
"Because a consensus has now formed among them. No less than the BIS, the UE central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and the Chinese central bankers are all now simultaneously talking of a radical change from the USD system. . . .
"A consensus has now formed. The consensus is: the fears we have all had about economic Armageddon are now at hand in 2006."
Coupled with this is an imminent energy war for control over the oil in the middle east, with the U.S. and allies on one side, and on the other, China and Russia backing the middle eastern nations (i.e., Iran).
Laird ends with:
"The last time there was an economic depression, there was flight INTO the USD in the 1930's. This time, there is probably going to be flight OUT of the USD. But I think that our economic woes are going to be the smaller worry . . . rather war and huge energy disruptions are the biggest problem we face in 2006."
I hope that he is just crying "wolf." But from my own understanding since the late 90's, I have felt that 2006-2007 would be the critical years in the downfall of economic Babylon. I spoke 3 tapes on the prophetic book of Haggai in May of 1998 in which I outlined the years 2001-2006 as being critical. The year 2001, of course, changed the whole course of American life and brought the focus of government from a focus upon personal liberty to a focus upon giving up personal liberties for the sake of security in the name of freedom.
For those interested in hearing those 3 audio tapes, email me at
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God's Kingdom Ministries
6201 University Ave. N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432 (USA)
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