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We have long seen the biblical connection between time and space. For example, when Israel crossed the Jordan River, the priests were to go ahead of the people with the Ark of the Covenant. In Joshua 3:4, the people were given instructions:
"However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure."
Why did they have to remain 2,000 cubits behind the Ark? It was because this distance (space) prophesied of time. Jesus was the Ark of the Covenant. He came to that very spot at the Jordan River to be baptized of John. While standing in the river, he identified with the Ark that had stood there many years earlier. The body of Christ, then, were destined to "cross the Jordan" to receive their inheritance 2,000 YEARS later.
Hence, the space of 2,000 cubits represented the time of 2,000 years. Prophetic space equals prophetic time. The interval represents the Pentecostal Age between the two manifestations of Christ.
In other words, space on earth represents time in prophecy. We live in what is scientifically called "space-time." Its reciprocal dimension in the spiritual realm, which David Wilcock calls The Source Field, is a dimension of "time-space." In other words, what we here perceive as time is actually space in the other dimension. What we here perceive as space is actually time in the other dimension.
There is a constant interaction between these two dimensions, as atoms go back and forth between them in a delicate balancing act between time and space. Atoms are tiny vortexes of energy, tiny black holes, spinning at the speed of light. If they speed up even slightly, they cross over into the other dimension momentarily until the right balance is again achieved, allowing them to return.
When atoms of an object on earth cross over, the object's weight decreases slightly, and this is measurable by scientists.
"For example, Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev found that simply smashing an object against a hard surface would cause its weight to decrease. In one case, he smashed a ball bearing against a lead plate, and weighed it before and after the collision. In another case, he dropped a piece of lead against a stone basement floor. Some of the atoms popped over into time-space just from being bumped--and the objects weighed less. Even better, 'these experiments showed that the weight defect does not disappear immediately after a collision, but decreases gradually--with relaxation times of about 15-20 minutes.' That means that the missing weight slowly comes back as those atoms quiet back down. They don't immediately return to light or sub-light speeds--there is a fifteen to twenty minute delay involved. This again suggests that we are dealing with a fluidlike flow between our two 'parallel realities' of space-time and time-space." [Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, p. 279]
It is plain that this time-space dimension is not far away in the sky, nor in the abyss of the ocean, but it is as near to us as the words in our mouth, as Moses said. It only takes a slight increase of speed by a vortex or rotating motion to push atoms back and forth. It appears that a rotation of about 20,000 revolutions per minute is enough to signicantly affect time and space. While this is a very fast rotation in our human terms, it does not add much to the speed of light going 186,000 miles per second. But is it enough to tip the balance.
Consider the Spinning Ball Experiment done by Dr. Bruce DePalma, which was published back in 1976 in the British Scientific Research Association Journal.
One of his students questioned him about the difference of gravitational effect upon a spinning object and a non-spinning object. So they designed an experiment using two ball bearings about one inch in diameter. They spun one of them at 18,000 revolutions per minute (300 per second) and then launched them with the same force and trajectory.
They found that the spinning ball bearing went higher than the other, but also fell faster and hit the floor before the non-spinning ball bearing. The spinning ball was lighter, having lost some weight by the spinning motion itself, as some of its atoms had crossed over into time-space. Yet at the same time, it hit the floor sooner, because it also moved slightly faster in time. He also discovered that he could simply drop the two balls, and the spinning ball would hit the floor consistently before the other.
Essentially, if analyzed accurately, it appeared to contradict Einstein's theory that nothing could move beyond the speed of light. He theorized that as an object approached the speed of light, it would gain mass, and if it ever could reach that speed, it would become the size of the universe. But Dr. Vladimir Ginzburg turned this theory upside down and found that atoms and molecules actually lose mass as they approach the speed of light.
Kozyrev was the brilliant Russian scientist who spent much time in one of Stalin's concentration camps for thinking outside the box. While he was there, however, he pondered the concept of changing the flow of time. Once he was set free in the 1950's, he began his experiments. It triggered a scientific revolution and inspired over 10,000 papers being published as of 1996.
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and "national security" no longer remained as an excuse to keep those papers secret, they were published. Of course, government-sponsored experiments had been done in America as well, but most of these are still kept secret due to "national security."
Gravitational force is constantly flowing between space-time and time-space realms, making tiny adjustments in both time and space to keep creation running smoothly and coherently. Our senses do not perceive those minute changes, as our minds average things out in order to maintain coherence in its worldview.
"Kozyrev found that tungsten metal was extremely responsive to the flow of time. Tungsten's electrical conductivity could be permanently changed if you zapped it with a strong enough time flow. Another time flow detector was a quartz crystal." [Wilcock, p. 255]
Tungsten, of course, is used in light bulbs. But I was struck by the idea of a quartz crystal being a "time flow detector." This is why quartz crystals are used in watches to keep time. An electrical flow running through the quartz crystal of a watch makes it resonate at a steady speed. Crystals were used in old transistor radios to pick up radio signals of certain frequencies being broadcasted.
This becomes interesting and quite personal when we realize that our pineal gland is essentially a crystal that resonates with certain frequencies that it picks up. It has long been theorized that the pineal gland, i.e., "the third eye," is the physical mechanism by which we "see" spiritual things. It is said to be our primary means of interaction with the dimension of time-space.
"It is apparent that several relationships exist between the pineal gland and retina. The similarities in development and morphology have been obvious for many years. A recent resurgence of interest in this field has led to a further understanding of many functional similarities between these two organs."