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The two big television music competitions, The Voice and American Idol, have now completed their seasons. The winners are: Josh Kaufman and Caleb Johnson.
What are the odds of Caleb and Joshua winning in both competitions in the same season?
We will also be watching to see if California Chrome wins the Triple Crown on June 7. This horse won both the Kentucky Derbe and the Preakness. This horse is “the people’s horse,” much like Smarty Jones was in 2004. This is because California Chrome’s dam, Love the Chase, was bought for just $8,000.
When they bought Love the Chase, a casual observer, knowing her modest race record, remarked that only a "dumb ass" would buy her, and so Coburn and Martin decided to name their racing operation DAP Racing, which stands for "Dumb Ass Partners". They created a caricature of a buck-toothed donkey to adorn the back of their racing silks and picked purple and green, the favorite colors of Carolyn Coburn and Denise Martin, for their stable colors. The initials "DAP" appear on California Chrome's blinker hood and the left front of the jockey's silks.
So ten years ago Smarty Jones won only the first two legs of the Triple Crown. He was a “smarty.” This year California Chrome is a “dumb ass.” Strange connection for the ten-year Hezekiah Factor.
Is California Chrome just another sign of Pentecost? Or is this horse an overcomer in disguise? His jockey's name is Victor Espinoza. We will see by June 7—the day before Pentecost.
For many years we have taken an interest in the Triple Crown, seeing it is a sign of the three feasts of Israel: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. In 1999 we watched Charismatic win the Derbe and the Preakness, only to lose the Belmont at the last minute when he broke his leg near the finish line. We did not expect him to win the Triple Crown, because he represented the Charismatic movement, which is part of Pentecost.
We have felt that the next Triple Crown winner would be a sign of the overcomers coming into the feast of Tabernacles. So this year we have another contender for the Title in California Chrome. Not only is Chromium a very important element for good health, but also these horse races are taking place at the same time as the big news in the Turkish city of Soma, the site of a huge mine disaster.
We wonder if there may be big changes coming soon in the Chrome-soma (or chromosomes) through the Feast of Tabernacles.
If the two events are related, it would be a bit like Caleb and Joshua in two different competitions, yet linked in Scripture.
Be watchful for the signs of the times.