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A year ago today, the Afghanistan war was lost, and Biden gave away about $80 billion worth of military equipment. It was a major turning point, as it put America’s weakness on display for the whole world to see. This, combined with the decline and steady rejection of the US dollar, was a clear sign of the soon-coming end of USA Empire, Inc.
Fortunately, God’s Universal Empire is also arising at the same time. World nations who think they will gain power during America’s decline will find themselves eclipsed by a new empire that will take them by surprise because of their ignorance of Daniel’s prophecies. Occultists tried to change the prophecy itself by reinterpreting it, but this too was futile. Prophecy will be fulfilled according to God’s intent, not according to man’s interpretations.
End-time prophecy must be interpreted in the light of the autumn feast days, not by Darby’s innovations, nor by Scofield’s notes.
So we can say with confidence that the world is not going to be destroyed. We are not all going to die. The Antichrist has already arisen and is now being overthrown. Christians will not be snatched away to protect them from world destruction. Instead, the overcomers will be raised or changed to fulfill the autumn feasts, and as immortals, they will be unstoppable. When they begin to bless the earth through the calling of Abraham, the people will demand changes in their own governments. The Desire of All Nations will come, and they will want Jesus Christ to rule over them.
The seeds of that Kingdom have already been sown in the earth, and those seeds are now sprouting. The final beast system, described in Daniel 7, has lost the Mandate of Heaven, which was given to them in Jeremiah 27:5, 6 on account of the rebellion of the kings of Judah in Jerusalem. Their time expired on the 8th day of Tabernacles, October 12, 2017. The overcomers were then given this Mandate, and world events began to shift in a historic manner.
My view is that it will take seven years to shift fully. By the autumn feast days in 2024 the world will reach the apex of Blessed Time. It will be 7 x 490 years since Joshua crossed the Jordan and camped in the Promised Land for the first time. Noah’s curse on Canaan in Genesis 9:25 will end in blessing. I have explained all of these things many times, including here:
I am raising these issues and summarizing spiritual events, because most people need to be reminded periodically and because we always have new readers. Likewise, it is to inform the rulers of the present world system, so that they may have the opportunity to align their own kingdoms and jurisdictions with the Universal Empire that is now arising.
While many of them have chosen to fight the prophecies, there are also some who desire to see God’s Kingdom displace the current (corrupt) systems. We have more friends than we realize. There are some very important and powerful employees of this cosmos who wish us well. We do not expect any direct help from them this early in the game, but neither do they oppose us. In the end, our help comes from God Himself, and this is sufficient.
Our Mission
God continues to give revelation to clarify our mission on the earth. I can assure you that our mission is far greater than winning more souls for Christ. Our instructions are preparing us to rule in the Kingdom. But it is not so much about ruling as it is to use the authority that we have been given for the purpose of fulfilling the Abraham calling to bless all nations. To do this requires us to see the earth—and creation itself—as God sees it.
The fundamental revelation required of us is to know God’s purpose and plan for His entire creation. He intends to reconcile all things, whether they be in heaven or in earth. There is no power on earth that can prevent God from doing His will. No man’s will is stronger than God’s will. History since Adam’s sin is only a time of delay that will end in a Jubilee. All sin is reckoned as a debt, and there is no debt so great that can overwhelm the power of the Jubilee.
Understanding the reconciliation of all things changes one’s entire outlook. While most of the church sees the divine plan in terms of God saving a tiny minority while the majority are lost, we see God as an absolute success in the end. We view unbelievers as future believers, regardless of their present condition. While many of them think of us as their enemies, we do not view them in the same way—though we certainly recognize that THEY are currently at war with God and us.
We have also learned that God does not view national borders in the way that men do today. Many of those borders are artificial, having been established by some past war. God sees nations and territories in terms of watersheds, based on “nature and nature’s God.”
Our mission is also to bring justice to many nations who have experienced injustice. Many of these nations have been destroyed, their cultures buried, their people killed. These need to be restored, and brothers need to be reconciled. God has told us that the most important work to be done is to reconcile Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael’s claim is based on the fact that he was an older son. Secondly, Ephraim and Manasseh came into conflict after Ephraim (the younger) was preferred over Manasseh (the older). Ultimately, the brothers must stop competing and agree with the divine plan. Only then can they be reunited as Joseph.
Another case is the historic conflict between Egypt and Nubia (Cush). We are just now learning the importance of reconciling Egypt and Nubia. Nubia was Christian territory until the 15th century when it was overrun by the Muslims. In that way, it is an extension of the Ishmael-Isaac controversy.
Muslims themselves have a big controversy between the Shia and the Sunni factions. They split after Mohammed’s death in 632 A.D., when one faction believed that his son-in-law, Ali, should succeed him, while others supported Mohammed’s best friend, Abu Bakr. This split also needs reconciliation in some manner.
While these problems seem insurmountable, we have already laid the groundwork for many of these problems. We declared Ephraim and Manasseh to be reconciled in October of 1994. We declared the reconciliation of Ishmael and Isaac in April 1998.
In the end, our mission is about reconciliation under Christ, so that each side knows its place in the body. We are called and qualified to deal with these foundational issues because we have accepted the basic premise of the reconciliation of all things.
Nations have tended to settle their differences through war. The winner imposes its view upon the loser without regard to actual justice (as God sees it). History is then written by the winners in a way that is favorable to themselves, regardless of truth.
Zulu Coup today in South Africa
Last week I wrote about the coming coronation of a new Zulu king on August 20. A coup is underway right now, as a new king has been crowned secretly ahead of time. I have a notarized copy of the letter (which seems to have started the coup) that the usurping king sent to President Ramaphosa. It is dated August 5. Hence the president is complicit in this coup, and I suspect that this will bite him in the rear. Right now there is chaos among Zulu factions.
This is an interesting development which we are currently assessing. I found only one article from Australia mentioning this coup today. As of this moment, it has not yet hit the mainstream media.
With regard to the current situation in South Africa, it appears we are in the middle of a coup. The Zulu’s with their leader, ex-President Zuma and the Xhosas and the current president Ramaphosa in which both are an encumbrance and both should be put to trial.
All of this is smoke and mirrors to what is occurring behind the scenes, and has done for some time, that is, the complete domination of South Africa by George Soros' Open Society Foundation and other international conglomerates. The main political parties out of the 300 odd parties that exist within South Africa get their political speeches written and guided by the Open society Foundation. To have such disrespect and manipulation towards the freedom and will of the South African people is the height of tyranny and needs to be met with a countering force.
I suspect that this coup will not succeed, nor will it stand more than a couple of weeks at the most. But it is something you should be aware of, as events unfold.
I don’t have time for any more news today, but much has happened and is happening.
We have now won the big battle. Continue to pray for the protection of John and family. Winning battles tend to spawn death threats.