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China has the longest continuous government in world history. As such, it has been an important center of the world for thousands of years. Most history books about China, read by westerners, has been written by westerners, rather than by Chinese historians, and so our western views of China are slanted accordingly.
I hope to focus some attention on China in this weblog and others in the coming days, so that we gain a better understanding of China in the world today. China is important to understand, not only as a world power but also as one of the “kings from the east” (Revelation 16:12) in Bible prophecy. I believe it is important to understand the role of China in order to understand prophecy in a greater light.
From November 21-29, 1993 we conducted the Jubilee Prayer Campaign to overthrow Mystery Babylon. This was based largely on Daniel 4, where the great “tree” of Babylon was stripped of its leaves (defoliated) and cut down. The sign of this overthrow was then seen 12 months later (Daniel 4:29), when Nebuchadnezzar bragged about his great empire, and God caused him to go insane.
This ancient pattern was repeated 12 months after the culmination of our prayer campaign, when on November 29, 1994 the Speaker of the House Tom Foley bragged about his great accomplishment in passing the GATT Treaty (later known as the World Trade Organization). Foley then resigned from his political office, and Washington was “defoley-ated.”
This told us that the overthrow of Mystery Babylon would be accomplished by economic events involving trade and balance of payments. Beyond that, we knew very little in 1994. But today, 30 years later, it is clear that this is precisely what has happened. China’s acceptance into the WTO marked a sudden increase in its rise to power. The US Empire now regrets its actions in 1994, because it sees China’s economic power as a direct threat.
And it is! Put in biblical terms, 1994 marked the beginning of the economic overthrow of Mystery Babylon’s empire. Prophecy is being fulfilled.
Here is a rather lengthy but important video where the history of China is discussed. About the 25-minute mark, they discuss the importance of China’s entry into the WTO, and about the 37-minute mark they mention that the west probably regrets its decision.
If you can listen to the entire video, it would give you a good perspective on China, but if this is too much for you, I suggest that you listen from the 25-minute mark to the 37-minute mark.
This will give you an introduction to our focus on China.