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The final financial phase of the beast’s Babylonian system was set up in late 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This Act set up a private central bank, owned by a dozen of the most wealthy banking families in the world. It was set up in their favor, of course, ensuring that the wealth of the people would migrate into their hands through debt and credit.
It was inevitable that at some point the nations would drown in debt. For every debt there is a creditor. It was said that “we owe it to ourselves,” but that is not true. We owe it to the wealthy banking/industrial families. At the point where nations can no longer pay the interest on their debt, they default in bankruptcy. Anyone holding their debt notes (bonds) will not be paid.
Currency itself is a debt note, because it is created as a debt of the federal government, which it spends into circulation. So in a default, currencies lose much (or even all) of their value. Only tangible things, such as land, gold, silver, etc. will be worth anything in such times. As Andy Schectman often says, “We do not buy gold to become wealthy; gold is wealth.” Or, as J.P. Morgan said a century ago, “Gold is money; everything else is credit.”
This Babylonian financial system has its roots in ancient Babylon, and its dominion over the earth passed down through Persia, Greece, Imperial Rome, and Religious Rome (Church). These are the four “beasts” (including the little horn extension of Rome) described in Daniel 7. The same beasts are portrayed in Daniel 2 as metals comprising the great image.
As for the little horn, this phase began with Justinian’s alteration of the calendar to the Julian calendar that was based on the birth of Jesus, rather than on the founding of Rome. He then revamped the entire Roman judicial system to reflect Church law. Between the two changes, he fulfilled the description of the little horn in Daniel 7:25, making “alterations in times and in law.”
In Revelation 13, John saw a further detail. He saw that the little horn was actually divided into two parts: a religious beast from the sea and a financial beast from the earth. The financial beast was initiated in 1798 with the rise of the Rothschild power. The beast from the earth is now getting old and decrepit and is soon to pass from the scene. “Then,” as Daniel 7:27 says, “the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One.”
It is likely that we who are alive today will see this event. In fact, it has already taken place in the divine court. It is presently emerging in the earth, where this will become a visible reality to all.
Meanwhile, world leaders scramble desperately to try to fix the old system. They are realizing, however, that it is not fixable. But they do not know how to set up a new system that is workable. This is because they are unfamiliar with God’s system. The Scriptures do not give us a commentary on a new financial system that would give a neat and concise outline. One must study the entire law to learn the basic principles of Kingdom government. But today’s leaders—including church leaders—have failed to do this.
The election of Donald Trump as US president has brought euphoria to some and despair to others. The people are hopelessly polarized. Under democratic rule, some states were considering secession from the union. Now, under Republic rule, California is considering secession.
Trump himself is planning to impose tariffs on many countries. It is well known that many other countries have put tariffs on US-made products in order to protect themselves. Americans grumbled, but they put up with this because they were able to make money in spite of it. But now that America’s own debt is spiraling out of control, Trump is fighting back. We are fast coming to the place that we were in 1929 when the nations all imposed tariffs to protect themselves from everyone else. The banks became frightened and refused to loan money. The money supply then fell, and the system crashed, bringing us into the Great Depression.
It appears that we are in a similar situation today. There is, however, one big difference. In 1929 the power brokers were intent on replacing the existing system with a “secular” system that would replace God with the state. Today, the state god is about to be replaced by Jesus Christ. This was prophesied by Daniel 2600 years ago. The long tribulation under the dominion of “beasts” is ending.
I do not believe that Donald Trump will be able to fix the Babylonian system. There are only a few things that can be fixed. He will do what he can, but in the end, the system will fail.
For the Kingdom system to endure, one must have good government officials, people who view God-given authority as stewardship rather than usurping power for themselves. For this reason, the first resurrection must accompany this transfer of the dominion mandate. It is not merely a matter of going from mortal to immortal, but from corruption to incorruption. Under the beast systems, power has always tended to corrupt people. But the saints who will rule in the age to come will be incorruptible, administering equal justice for all.
Neither will this justice be limited by “America first.” The Kingdom will (perhaps gradually) include all nations, and these nations must be treated equally and their rights respected. The world will be delivered from a man-made “rules based order” to the rule of law—God’s law. Instead of being ruled by the whims of men who seek advantage over others, the world will be ruled impartially by the immutable laws of creation reflecting the nature of God Himself.
If you are an aspiring overcomer, now is the time to prepare. Know the law, the prophets, the gospels and epistles. The Bible is your handbook to govern your personal lives as well as the nations and the world as a whole.