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Donald Trump was inaugurated yesterday as the 47th president. This is only the second time in our history that a president has served two separate terms. Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president in the late 1800’s, and now Trump is both the 45th and 47th president.
In the midst of the swearing in ceremony and the rally afterward, Trump was very busy. He signed 201 Executive Orders, eliminating 78 of Biden’s previous orders. While Trump was giving a speech just before taking the oath of office, Biden pardoned the rest of his family, Mark Milly, Anthony Fauci, and others for all crimes previously committed.
Some noticed that Chief Justice Roberts got in a hurry and began to administer the oath of office without allowing Melania to present the Bible for Trump to put his hand on. Legally speaking, it does not matter, because his oath is still effective.
Now America has returned officially to having just two genders, down from 85 in the Biden administration. The border has been closed. Thousands of illegal immigrants, who walked so far and paid the criminal cartels so much to get to the border, were disappointed that they no longer had a right to come to America in an illegal manner. It was the risk they took. Trump gave them plenty of warning.
Many things changed yesterday. It occurs to me that from a prophetic standpoint perhaps the time of Nebuchadnezzar’s insanity has come to an end. His reason has returned to him.
We will see, of course.
My rate of recovery slowed down in the last couple of months (since the Tabernacles conference). Nonetheless, I continue to make progress. I am still not walking on my own, but I am close to it. Right now, it is not a matter of strength but of balance and coordination. My dropfoot has been completely reversed, so I now walk heel to toe, and I don’t stumble.
I am also slowing regaining some weight. It is a relief just to know that I am no longer losing weight. I am down to what I was when I graduated from high school.
Most of the infrastructure has been completed in our South African project. Infrastructure must be in place in order to launch the next phase of God’s Kingdom. At the present time it looks like the timing is repeating the pattern of the original 76-day Net of Prayer campaign from November 12, 1981 to January 27, 1982. I recall that at the end of that cycle there was a three-day “celebration” to January 30. I hope that we are able to celebrate next week.
Please continue to pray for John’s son, Bradley. Last Wednesday evening he had a strong seizure (epileptic) that required hospitalization to get his eyebrow stitched up. They kept him overnight, and then the next day he had another seizure. He is still a bit groggy from this, but he is home.
About a month ago, we were led to issue a public adjuration (Leviticus 5:1) on the level of God’s sovereignty. Recall that public adjuration was something that the high priest could issue in order to call forth all witnesses to a crime. It was said to be a sin to refuse to testify in court anything that one has seen or heard in regard to the crime. But in our case, we saw something unique take place.
Suddenly, two separate witnesses stepped forward, not knowing consciously about our public adjuration, to tell us what they knew. These testimonies came from unbelievers, prominent in the secular world, people that we would not have expected to be of help. It was as if God Himself summoned them to court in a manner similar to the general resurrection in Revelation 20. In that resurrection, all are summoned and have no choice but to confess the truth. We can view that resurrection as a prime example of the law of public adjuration, where every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord.
In such a case, the people are not given a choice. They will have no “free will” on that day. They must testify. I had not thought of the law of public adjuration applying to the great White Throne judgment.
The point is that we received two major witnesses, both from prominent families in Europe, summoned by God Himself, though they were unaware of His involvement. The first told us that the problem we were facing was coming from the occult practices in the Black Forest in Bavaria, Germany. The second called last Thursday to tell us that we were being spiritually attacked from the Black Forest.
This second witness said, “I am an atheist; I don’t believe in God, but I am now seeing spiritual forces that are attacking you.” We immediately related this to Bradley’s seizures.
So we realize now that God allowed these seizures to take place in order to put our focus on the Black Forest. Recall how we were led to go to the Black Forest outside of Colorado Springs in June 2009 to pray against the spirit of Pan, known as Azazel in Leviticus 16. The Black Forest in Bavaria is known as the home of Pan, the half man, half goat figure in the occult. It seems that our warfare against Pan back in 2009 (and some other occasions as well) is now resurfacing on a practical, earthly level.
Fortunately, we have already won the battle over Pan in 2009, and, of course, our own victory was simply the outworking of Christ’s overall victory over the world when He rose from the dead.
All of this taught us how God’s sovereignty has never diminished. Even though we have believed in the sovereignty of God for a long time, there are still practical aspects of it that we are still learning. This includes the principle found in 2 Corinthians 5:16,
16 Therefore from no one we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.
Everyone is useful to God, some as vessels of honor and others as vessels of dishonor. God is sovereign over all of them. In recent months and years we have been learning not to judge people by their present condition or beliefs. God Himself sees us not as we are now but as we are becoming. God knows the end from the beginning, and He often takes many years to bring people to the place where they finally receive the revelation of God. He works with them even before they come to a place of faith in Him.
It is often difficult for us to do this, because we do not know the end from the beginning. Nonetheless, this is one of our recent revelations. It allows us to work with non-believers, as we discern that even they have a place in God’s plan. In fact, we have seen cases where non-believers become believers when they begin to see how the Kingdom is emerging in the earth.
So we continue to follow the leading of the Spirit and to learn the deeper things of God.