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We dressed up the web site last week and now, I think, we have all the "bugs" worked out of it. You can now print out the web logs without getting extraneous material at the top. Also, the recent web log about David and Svea Flood was a bit faul... Read More
Paul says in Romans 11:26, "And thus all Israel will be saved." What did he mean? Let us first establish what Paul did NOT mean. He did not mean that some people are so chosen that they will be saved regardless of whether or not they place their... Read More
In Romans 9-11 we find the well-known "Israel passage," which has caused so much confusion in the Church in the past century. Paul asks in Rom. 11:1 and 2, "I say then, Has God cast away His people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite of... Read More
By the time Jesus was born, Judaism had long lapsed into a religion of legalistic form and ritual which had become more important than the spirit of the law. They did not seem to understand that forms and rituals are only outer containers like pitchers tha... Read More
Series: Zionism by the Mind of Esau - There are many non-Zionist Jews who loudly proclaim that Zionism represents an apostasy from Judaism. Of this I have no doubt, insofar as Judaism taught that Jews were NOT to attempt a return to Palestine until the Messiah had come. Yet in another way Zion... Read More
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