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When the Scriptures were translated into the common language of the people, and the development of the printing press occurred in the mid-fifteenth century, the people began to discover the huge discrepancy between the Roman Church's teachings and what... Read More
Every kingdom that rules imperfect men must have laws to set a standard of righteousness, to arbitrate disputes between men, and to maintain justice when men have been wronged. Of course, when men are perfect, there is no need for the law, because all the... Read More
Once in a while I post links to other web sites that have articles that I believe are of interest and benefit to you. This should never be taken to mean that I subscribe to all of the beliefs, teachings, or prophecy that these people set forth. In my vie... Read More
Series: Rome--a Christian Nation - The meaning of "Chosenness" [i.e., "The Elect"] in the Bible is hidden to those who do not understand the essential difference between a Right and a Privilege. Herein is the underlying reason why all the nations of the past, including I... Read More
Series: Rome--a Christian Nation - Throughout most of the fourth century, the Roman Empire was still undivided. Recall that Daniel's prophecy of the nameless beast with iron teeth (Dan. 7:7) corresponds to the two iron legs in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Dan. 2:33). Thus, Rome was desti... Read More
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