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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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    The Economy on Life Support

    Indulge me for a moment. The "stimulus" bills are drugs to the economy. Call them "uppers." As long as the government injects the economy, there is a response in the body. But once the stimulus stops, everything goes back to the w... Read More

    5 - 6 min read
  • The Consequences of Sin--Part 2

    Series: The Consequences of Sin - In the early centuries of the Church, the vast majority of the believers spoke Greek, most of them as their native tongue. Geisler says that most of them believed that the judgments of God, beingaionian, were temporary, not infinite in duration. It is obvi... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 9 min read

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    Dallas Conference December 4-6

    James Bruggeman, Ron Oja, and I will be co-hosting a conference on December 4-6 in Irving, TX, not far from the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. It will be held at First Covenant Church in Irving, beginning Friday evening, December 4, and running through Sunday... Read More

    1 - 2 min read
  • The Consequences of Sin--Part 1

    Series: The Consequences of Sin - Since about the sixth century A.D., official mainstream Church teaching has held that sinners will be tortured in a fiery pit forever. In the past two centuries, however, there has been a reaction to this teaching, where Universalists say that God will jud... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read

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    No Longer Strangers

    When speaking of the new Temple that God was building, not in Jerusalem but in the New Jerusalem, Paul makes the point in Ephesians 2:17-19, 17 And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; 18 for thr... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read

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