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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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    No More Bonuses--Just Call them Retention Awards

    With the public outcry over fat-cat executives getting paid millions of dollars for running their companies into the ground, it is now official. Any company expecting a bailout will have to cap the salaries at $500,000/year, and stop those bonuses. But fo... Read More

    < 1 min read

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    The First Line of Defense When the Bank Forecloses

    Are you facing foreclosure? Do you know someone who is? You can forestall a home foreclosure for months by demanding one simple thing from the bank: "PRODUCE THE NOTE" I know of one house that stands empty in Illinois. No one even knows who own... Read More

    < 1 min read

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    New Definition of Monetary Liquidity

    From Jerry . . . Liquidity is when you look at your life savings, retirement fund and investments, and you wet your pants.... Read More

    < 1 min read

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    Stimulus Bill and Astrology

    Remember the old song from the 1960's, The Age of Aquarius ? Christians don't normally take much stock in this, but the Illuminati does. In fact, virtually every building in Washington D.C. was built and dedicated according to the most fa... Read More

    1 - 2 min read

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    Global Meltdown May Begin in Eastern Europe

    We think we have economic problems in America. Europe's problems are much worse, particularly in Eastern Europe. Their debt level is unpayable, and it is owed to Europe's banks. Those banks will end up holding worthless IOU's soon, and whe... Read More

    4 - 5 min read

Showing 7721-7725 of 8988