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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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    A Manipulative Solution to Gold Backwardation

    I got this email from a regular reader, and I thought it was well worth posting. . . I know you and I read many of the same articles, the articles you posted today in your blog have been on several websites I check regularly.  I, like you, believe B... Read More

    2 - 3 min read

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    The Future of Paper Money Looks Dim

    Prof. Antal E. Fekete of Gold Standard University is pointing out a new indication that the price of gold may begin to go back up, relative to paper dollars. Two articles are worth reading for those who are interested in such things. http://www.professorf... Read More

    4 - 6 min read

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    SWAT Team Swats Flies

    This SWAT Team must have had too much time on their hands. Read More

    < 1 min read

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    Making Horse Sense of the Financial Crisis

    Credit is said to be "frozen" these days, mostly because the banks do not trust each other. So no bank wants to loan money to another bank. This is because the bankers themselves do not really know the extent of their own problem, much... Read More

    5 - 7 min read

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    The Tabernacles Church Established

    Dispensationalism has divided time into various ages. My way of doing this is different, for it is based upon the feast days of Israel and, I think, is based upon a better knowledge of the Old Testament and the law. I divide the first 7,000 years of t... Read More

    6 - 8 min read

Showing 7861-7865 of 8987