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Haggai was a "post-exilic prophet," which just means that he prophesied after the Babylonian captivity, or "exile." He prophesied in Jerusalem while the people were building the Second Temple. In fact, it was largely his ministry which... Read More
Series: America's Time of Jacob's Trouble - The primary American cycle reflecting "the time of Jacob's trouble" is from 1776-1986. However, like with most cycles, there is more than one beginning point, and therefore more than one end point as well. The above had its origin in the yea... Read More
American government officials are saying that certain corporations are too big to fail. This is their justification for bailing them out when they get into trouble. In so doing, the American government has become a kind of Corporate Bankruptcy Insurance Co... Read More
Series: America's Time of Jacob's Trouble - I wrote previously how America's beginning in 1776 was the end of 12 x 210 years from the beginning Israel's captivity to Assyria in 745 B.C. I also wrote how this number 210 is derived from the 21 years of "Jacob's Trouble" as well... Read More
Series: America's Time of Jacob's Trouble - As I explained earlier in my weblog regarding time and measures, the number 21 and 210 are associated with "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7). Jacob had two times of "trouble" (distress), each 21 years in length. His lif... Read More
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