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Series: God's Laws on Land and Inheritance - Deut. 12:17 speaks of "the tithe of your grain, or new wine, or oil, or the first-born of your herd or flock." This tithe is owed to God because the income or increase was derived from God's labor when he created the heave... Read More
Series: God's Laws on Land and Inheritance - I had originally pondered doing a series on God's Laws on Economics, comparing the economic system of the world with that of the Bible. But I soon realized that virtually EVERY law in the Bible has an economic impact in some way. Some laws have direct... Read More
Series: God's Laws on Land and Inheritance - It has been said that the power to tax is the power to destroy. In other words, when someone does not pay the tax that has been imposed, the government then seizes the property or removes the privilege that it has taxed. God's system of the tithe is t... Read More
Series: God's Laws on Land and Inheritance - In the second chapter of Daniel, the king of Babylon had a troubling dream. The problem is that when he awoke from it, he could not remember it. So obviously, the wise men of Babylon could not conjure up an interpretation of the dream. Both the dream and t... Read More
Series: God's Laws on Land and Inheritance - The most basic truth of the Bible is found in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." This verse is the foundation of Scripture and establishes His first and primary right as expressed in the First Commandment, "... Read More
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