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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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    Article on the Destruction of America Through Economic Policy

    Below is an excerpt from a good article about the housing bubble that was created to replace the dot-com technology bubble of the 1990's. If you have an Adjustable Rate Mortgage on your home, rather than a fixed rate, you might want to see if you can g... Read More

    2 - 3 min read

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    The Israeli Peace Movement

    I have always been careful to criticize Zionism as separate from Judaism or Jews in general. Zionism is an ideology, not a race or a nation. In a way, all Israelis are Zionists simply because they live in that part of the world, but not all Israelis (or ev... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • Dominion in the Kingdom: Part 2

    Series: Dominion in the Kingdom - In his book, Rediscovering the Kingdom, Myles Munroe says on page 40, "There are no peasants in the Kingdom, only sons." Peasants were the product of the Feudal System in the Middle Ages. The Feudal System was a system where the king owned... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 8 min read
  • Dominion in the Kingdom: Part 1

    Series: Dominion in the Kingdom - In the beginning, God established Adam's Birthright, consisting of two "mandates," the Dominion Mandate and the Fruitfulness Mandate (Gen. 1:26-28). In essence, the earth became Adam's inheritance. This is reflected in Jesus' statemen... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 8 min read

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    Secrets of Time Conference Update

    This is a reminder about our "Secrets of Time" Conference to be held on February 9-11, 2007 at The Key Ministry Center in Euless, Texas. The purpose of this conference is to focus upon a study of Timing in the Bible and how God do... Read More

    2 - 3 min read

Showing 8586-8590 of 8983