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Series: Studies in First Corinthians - 1 Corinthians 1:13 says, 13 Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? Paul was concerned over the mindset of denominationalist thinking. Each faction thought of itself as the “true ch... Read More
Last Friday and Saturday, a storm that the weather service named Lucifer hit southern California, dumping 3-4 inches of rain in 24 hours and causing flash floods. Here is the weather report. Each year the storm... Read More
We have corrected the banner link for the 2017 Passover Conference. It originally pointed to the previous 2016 Tabernacles Conference. Thank you to the user that pointed this out for us! Sorry for the inconvenience. As usual, we will be updating the... Read More
Series: Studies in First Corinthians - Leadership always has potential risks. Perhaps the main risk is that the better a leader does his job the more likely it is that people will follow him or her, rather than Christ. There is a fine line between honor and idolatry, and discerning this can be... Read More
In my second novel, Through Timeless Mountains, I featured the Zaphnath tribe and mentioned also that it originated in the Grand Canyon. This is just a novel, of course, but there is evidence in the Smithsonian Institute that Joseph (Zaphnath) actually cam... Read More
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