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The Brexit on June 23 was a major political shift affecting the EU, but the failed coup in Turkey on July 15 will probably prove to be even more important. It affects not only the EU itself, but also NATO and the entire battle between Babylon and the kings... Read More
The Republican convention is now finished, and Donald Trump has won the nomination in spite of intense opposition from the party leadership. There was a certain amount of disunity in the party, especially when Cruz and Cuban (sore losers?) refused to go al... Read More
It seems that all that “warming” is taking place too far south to affect polar ice. Is this a divine joke, or just poetic justice? It seems the ship is being hindered from doing research because of too much ice where it wasn't supposed to b... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Revelation - At the end of Revelation 17:11, the angel tells us that the scarlet beast “goes to destruction.” There is more to this than just the beast being destroyed in the end. In fact, there are enormous prophetic implications to this statement. Whereas... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Revelation - The woman pictured in Revelation 17 is different from the beast that she rides, though obviously they are closely connected. The woman is “the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18), but the beast itself is a co... Read More
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