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This is one of the best geopolitical articles that I have ever read, telling us the current world situation, especially as it relates to Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia. Now that US sanctions were lifted from Iran on January 16, Iran is back as a factor in... Read More
Here is a report on the banking crisis in Italy which apparently began on Friday, January 15, one of our watch dates. The article does not mention the date specifically, but says that last Wednesday the 20th was the fifth day of the collapse of bank stocks... Read More
The law of God was designed to promote and sustain life. The laws of nature sustain life on a natural plane, while the moral laws of God provide the boundaries by which man relates to the natural world. Because man was given dominion over nature in Genesis... Read More
This past week, the weather services have been warning of a monster blizzard that was to hit this week end, January 22-24, 2016. They say the “bull’s eye” is Washington D.C. This is significant because the storm will hit Washington D.C. o... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Revelation - When the question arose in the divine Council meeting: “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” the answer was: “Behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah.” The Lion was worthy, but the Lamb took the book and... Read More
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