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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Appendix 8: Historical Chronology of Events

A.D. 14 Augustus Caesar dies; Tiberius becomes Emperor of Rome

29 (Passover) John the Baptist begins to minister in 15th year of Tiberius
Jesus baptized on Day of Atonement

33 Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension
Pentecost brings the Holy Spirit
Paul’s conversion near Damascus, goes to Arabia for a year

34 Paul returns to Damascus

36 Caradoc’s daughter Gladys born in Britain (later called Claudia)

37 Joseph of Arimathea takes the gospel to Britain
Tiberius dies, succeeded by Caligula as Roman Emperor
Josephus born
Nero born
Paul visits Peter for 15 days before going to “Syria and Cilicia” (Gal. 1:21) and then to Tarsus

38 Pilate exiled to Vienne in Gaul

41 Caligula dies; Claudius declared Emperor of Rome
Claudius banishes Seneca to Corsica

42 Claudius declares war on Britain
Claudius’ son, Britannicus, born

43 Roman invasion of Britain

44 Peter and James imprisoned
James martyred; Peter escapes and flees to Caesarea
Herod Agrippa I pursues Peter but dies of worms in Caesarea

45 Peter takes Mark and preaches in Rome

46 Holy Spirit revival in Antioch, famine prophesied

47 Paul and Barnabas sent to Jerusalem with contributions
Paul commissioned by the Holy Spirit
Paul’s first missionary journey begins

49 Claudius recalls Seneca from banishment to become Nero’s tutor

50 End of Paul’s first missionary journey (?)
Herod Agrippa II made King of Colchis
Philo, Jewish philosopher, dies
The Romans learn to use soap from the Gauls

51 The Jerusalem Church Council decides in favor of Paul

52 Rome takes British royal family captive
Claudius adopts Gladys, gives her his family name, Claudia
Claudius expels Jews from Rome
Aquila and Priscilla move from Rome to Ephesus
Paul’s second missionary journey begins (focusing on Corinth)
Felix appointed Procurator of Judea
High Priest, Annanias, removed from office and sent as a prisoner to Rome (later re-instated)

53 Rufus Pudens marries Gladys (Claudia) in Rome

54 Timothy born to Rufus Pudens and Claudia
Emperor Claudius poisoned by his wife Aggripina
Nero becomes Emperor of Rome
Paul’s third missionary journey begins (focusing on Ephesus)

58 Paul writes his Epistle to the “Romans” from Ephesus and then goes to Jerusalem, ending his third missionary journey
Paul arrested at Pentecost, tried briefly in Jerusalem, and is taken to Caesarea

59 Caradoc’s exile ends; he returns to Britain
Nero has his mother, Agrippina, killed

60 Felix replaced by Festus as Procurator of Judea
Paul appeals to Caesar
Paul leaves Caesarea as a prisoner to Rome, but shipwrecked
The Boadicean War in Britain kills over 70,000 Roman settlers

61 Paul arrives in Rome
Annianus replaces Mark as bishop of Alexandria
In Britain, Paulinus replaced by Petronius Turpilianus

62 James the Just martyred at the Temple
Symeon replaces James as head of the Jerusalem Church
Seneca forced to retire in Rome
Nero murders Burrus
Nero murders his wife, Octavia, and marries Poppaea Sabina
Festus dies and is replaced by Albinus
Herod Agrippa II deposes High Priest Ananus for murdering James
Jesus, son of Damneus, becomes High Priest

63 Paul acquitted by Nero
Paul leaves Rome and preaches in Spain and Britain in his fourth missionary journey

64 The Great Fire of Rome (July)
Christians blamed, first persecutions begin
Florus appointed Procurator of Judea

65 Nero orders Seneca to commit suicide
In Jerusalem at Passover the Judeans complain to Governor Cestius Gallus about Florus’ injustice, but he does nothing

66 The Jewish Revolt begins
Paul beheaded
Peter crucified upside down

68 Nero commits suicide, succeeded by Galba (June to Jan. 69)

69 Otho succeeds Galba (Jan. to April)
Vitellius succeeds Otho (April to December)
Vespasian proclaimed emperor by his troops (December)
Vespasian goes to Rome, leaves son Titus to complete Jewish War

70 Jerusalem and its Temple destroyed

73 Masada taken; end of Jewish Revolt

79 Mount Vesuvius erupts near Pompeii, killing Drusilla (wife of Felix) and their son
Vespasian dies, succeeded by his son, Titus

81 Titus dies, succeeded by his brother, Domitian

90 Linus martyred in Rome

96 John exiled to Patmos
Rufus Pudens martyred in Rome
Domitian murdered in Palace plot, succeeded by Nerva
Senate passes damnatio memoriae against Domitian, obliterating his memory from all public records

98 Nerva dies of natural causes, succeeded by Trajan

99 Aristobulus dies at Glastonbury in Britain

107 Symeon martyred, age 120
Pudens’ daughter, Pudentiana martyred in Rome

113 Trajan begins war campaign against Parthia, extending Rome’s rule its greatest extent at Susa

116 Jewish Revolt begins, forcing Trajan to abandon his campaign against Parthia

117 Trajan dies of a stroke, succeeded by Hadrian

118 Treaty incorporates Britain with Rome

122 Hadrian visits Britain, begins building “Hadrian’s Wall” to establish a northern border

130 Hadrian visits Jerusalem, decides to rebuild it as a pagan city with the name Aelia Capitolina with a temple to Jupiter

132 Jewish Revolt under Bar-Cochba and Rabbi Akiva
Kingdom of Judea established as independent nation

135 Rome crushes the Kingdom of Judea
Bar-Cochba killed by snake

138 Hadrian dies, succeeded by Antoninus Pius

139 King Lucius baptized by his grand-nephew, Timothy
Timothy’s brother Novatus martyred in Rome

144 Pudens’ son, Timothy, martyred in Rome, age 90

155 Polycarp martyred

165 King Lucius declares Britain to be a Christian Nation

166 Justin martyred

596 Augustine fails to put British Church under Rome

1403 Council of Pisa rules in favor of the seniority of the British Church

1413 Council of Constance affirms ruling of Council of Pisa as to British seniority