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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Chapter 20: 1998: Casting out Hagar

In 1998, we began to prepare for round two of the Dragon Wars. The prophetic year always begins after the feast of Tabernacles and then ends with the following feast of Tabernacles (a year later). We have found that we are able to discern events from November to the following April, which are preparatory to the more important events in the last half of the year. In 1998 the preparations focused primarily upon a conference on April 2 and 3 in Spokane, Washington, called “Symposium.”

That was a closed meeting of just eight people, handpicked by Sunny Day, who had received the word to host this meeting. The primary revelation of the Symposium was that we were to declare, “Cast out the bondwoman.” In other words, this Dragon War was really a dispute over who would be the true inheritor of the Birthright and who would bring forth the Manchild that would rule the earth in the Age to come.

The two leading contenders who were in competition for the throne are the Church and the Jews—that is, organized Christianity and Judaism. The revelation in 1998 made it clear that neither are qualified to rule, for both groups have identified with the old Jerusalem, which is “Hagar” (Gal. 4:25). Both groups are in bondage with their children and cannot bring forth “Isaac.”

The Overcomers are truly called to receive the Scepter. They are to be empowered to bring the others to Christ in time for the second resurrection 1000 years later.

It just happened also that from the day the Coronation Stone had arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland on Nov. 30, 1996 to the day the prophetic word was spoken at the Symposium on April 3, 1998 was precisely 490 days inclusive. This is a “Blessed Time” period, as I explained in Secrets of Time. This link suggests that the overcomers, to whom the divine right to rule has come, was to exercise their spiritual authority to cast out “Hagar” and her son.

When Sunny Day had first begun receiving revelation about holding this Symposium, she received a word,

“This is about the placing of My Overcomers in lieu of the important events that are approaching” (Oct. 1, 1997).

A few months later, in February of 1998, Ron had received the word,

“There’s going to be a Spokane Word coming forth from Spokane soon.”

It was a pun, of course, about the Spoken Word coming out of Spokane. This was before Sunny Day had decided to hold the Symposium in Spokane. Sunny Day also received further revelation as the days progressed:

We shall be in direct communication and association as My decrees and declarations are issued forth from My Throne Room (Jan. 12, 1998).

Out of the mouths of My Scribes and Servants shall issue forth a decree; a declaration which shall be a sending forth of My light and life within My chosen vessels to carry the Everlasting Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth (March 4, 1998).

On the afternoon of April 3, 1998, as the Symposium met, the Spirit suddenly came upon Faith, and she burst forth in prophecy saying (in part),

“It is the hour of the declaration of the work of the living God. And thou shalt go forth from this place, and nothing—nothing—shall be the same. And the natural man shall say to thee, 'But what was accomplished by the Lord in this place?' And in this time thou canst not know the fullness of what I do bring forth in thy midst, for thou shalt go forth from this place, and My word shall begin to run, because of this time that I have drawn thee to me.

“Thus saith the Lord, It is not a prophetic word as thou hast known it, but it is the declaration of the Most High God. For He doth announce before the face and in the ears of this people that which He is about to do.”

I had a tape recorder going, so I was able to transcribe it perfectly afterward.

After returning home from Spokane, I flew to Hagerstown, Maryland for another conference the following week end. I had been invited to speak at this conference months earlier, of course, long before the Symposium had taken shape. I immediately recognized that Hagerstown was like a double witnesses to the Symposium. What are the odds of meeting at HAGAR'S TOWN at that particular time?? At the conference God gathered another eight people to confirm the Symposium decree casting out the bondwoman.

Of course, the other major contender for the Scepter and the Birthright is Judaism. Both Christianity and Judaism have the Israeli state as their “manchild.” The secular Jews believe that the Israeli state itself is the messiah. The religious Jews and Christians believe that a messiah will come to the Old Jerusalem and live in a rebuilt temple, where Aaronic priests will sacrifice animals, and from which place their messiah will rule the world in the Age to come. Christians think it will be Jesus; Jews look for another.

Needless to say, I disagree with this. But the year 1998 was the Israeli Jubilee. It was 50 years since they declared their independence on May 14, 1948. Round Two of the Dragon Wars centers primarily upon this. Ha'aretz News for April 23, 1998 said this:

Jubilee Amnesty to cut jail time by 10% for some

“After months of rancorous debate and wild speculation, the nitty-gritty work of deciding who among Israel's prison population will be released in the Jubilee amnesty program will finally commence on May 1, after Israel's 50th Independence Day. . . .

“The Blattman Committee has recommended 10 percent sentence reductions for all prisoners who have completed at least 60% of their sentence by the end of this year . . . . the guess is that some 800 people will have their sentences cut . . .”

This is how the Israelis “kept” their “Jubilee.” Obviously, they did not keep it in a biblical way. Yet I believe that they established their own level of mercy in the judgment that is yet to come upon Jerusalem and the Israeli state.

The headline of Ha'aretz called it “Jubilee Amnesty.” Of course, in Scripture a Jubilee is the cancellation of ALL debt, and sin is reckoned as a debt. Thus, a true Jubilee is the law of grace, where those who have incurred a debt through sin have been set free from their debt and are released to return to their inheritance.

The Israelis, however, manifested their carnality by limiting grace to 10%, and even then, not all prisoners benefited from this prison reduction. My discernment of this is that the Israelis established the level of their own mercy by their actions on their Jubilee. When divine judgment hits that nation, their Jubilee Amnesty will prove to be the divine measure by which their own judgment and mercy is measured (Matt. 7:2).

So both the Church and the Israeli State have been contenders for the Scepter and Birthright. Both have been part of Mystery Babylon, and both were disqualified in the sight of God to rule in the Age to come.