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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Chapter 42: 2005: The Death of a Pope

On April 2, 2005 Pope John Paul II died. His death occurred precisely 3 x 414 days after the beginning of a prayer campaign in 2001.

Toward the end of October, 2001 the Father told us that certain ones were planning to sacrifice a young woman on Halloween. Representing the overcomers who had been given authority the previous year, we were to issue a decree before the Divine Court to outlaw human sacrifice in America.

The sacrifice took place anyway as scheduled. This gave us legal “cause” to go into spiritual warfare and prosecute the offenders in the Divine Court. The court case was called “Ye Shall Surely Perish” and the date was November 1, 2001.

The enemy made many legal maneuvers in the attempt to justify himself and to turn aside the judgment of God, but ultimately to no avail. The ensuing warfare ran from Nov. 1-8.

The prayer campaign itself was called “Entering the Millennium of Rest,” and did not end until Nov. 14, 2001.

We had already taken note in 2004 that the deliverance from Baphomet that was done on June 24, 2004 was precisely 3 x 414 days after the beginning of our warfare on Jan. 29, 2001. Now we saw the second fulfillment of that particular cycle.

Nov. 8, 2001 + 3 x 414 days = April 2, 2005 (Pope dies)

Nov. 14, 2001 + 3 x 414 days = April 8, 2005 (Pope’s funeral)

These parallel dates offer us a brief glimpse into a portion of the battle in 2001. “Ye Shall Surely Perish” court case concluded on Nov. 8, 2001. Precisely 3 x 414 days later is the death of Pope John Paul II. Dating from the full end of the prayer campaign (Nov. 14, 2001), we see the Pope being buried (April 8, 2005).

Pope John Paul II was a very charismatic and popular pope. I will say that he was one of the better popes in history. Our prayer campaign was not directed at him personally, nor did we even direct it at the Papacy itself or the Roman Church in general. We simply did as we were led, having little idea who would actually be affected in the world. But I have often said over the years that in spiritual warfare we thrust our sword of the Spirit into the haystack and see who yells “Ouch!”

Perhaps it has something to do with the prophecies of St. Malachy, who was born in Ireland in 1094 A.D. and ordained to the priesthood in 1119. Malachy died in 1148 while on a pilgrimage to Rome and was sainted by Pope Clemente III on July 6, 1199. Among Malachy's prophecies was his accurate prediction of the day and hour that he would die.

Malachy had the gift of healing, and he was said to have performed numerous miracles. The most important and well known of his prophecies concerned the succession of 111 future popes, along with a short prophetic description of each. His prophetic vision came in 1140 during the coronation of Pope Innocent II, who put the prophetic document into the papal archive, where it was forgotten for four centuries.

It was discovered in 1590 and published in a book called Lignum Vitre, by Arnold Wyon, a Benedictine historian. John Paul II was the 110th pope. Of him, Malachy says, “De Lobaore solis,” (of the eclipse of the sun). John Paul II was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse in Poland. When he was finally buried on April 8, 2005, the world experienced a very unusual “hybrid eclipse” of the sun. The central path of the eclipse ran across the South Pacific where it changed from an annular eclipse to a total eclipse and then back again to an annular eclipse before reaching South America.

Malachy said of the 111th pope, “Gloria Olivae” (the glory of the olive). Cardinal Ratzinger became the 111th pope, called Benedict XVI. The Benedictine Order is known as the “Olivetans,” because the olive tree is their symbol.

But is Benedict the last pope? Malachy does not say. The list merely ends there in the original published book (1590). This list may have been slightly abridged, however, because the 1820 edition includes one more pope, #112. Some dispute this addition, but the Catholic Encyclopedia insists that it is genuine. Of this 112th pope, we read in the Catholic Encyclopedia,

“The last of these prophecies concerns the end of the world and is as follows: 'In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.' It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, that the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivae. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before 'Peter the Roman.' Cornelius a Lapide refers to this prophecy in his commentary, 'On the Gospel of St. John' (C. xvi) and 'On the Apocalypse' (cc. xvii-xx), and he endeavours to calculate according to it the remaining years of time.”

Take note that the Catholic Encyclopedia says that this “concerns the end of the world,” that is, the end of the Age, as it ought to be translated in Scripture. Is this perhaps why our prayer campaign in November 2001 was to be called “The Campaign of Entering into the Millennium of Rest”?? If the prophecy of Malachy is true, then perhaps we will yet see another fulfillment in “Peter the Roman,” perhaps even according to the same 414-day time cycles.

One thing seems certain. The death of Pope John Paul II was not the final result of our prayer campaign in 2001, simply because he was not the final pope. There is no doubt in my mind that divine judgment will fall upon the final pope, whoever he is, and it appears that even the Roman Catholic Church would agree with that much. The last pope will be the recipient of all the judgment for sin that has built up in the Church over the centuries.

It has always been this way. God judged Israel from 745-721 B.C. and the judgment fell upon the final king for the sins of Jeroboam, their first king, who built the golden calves. This is a basic principle of judgment, because nations generally last for more than a single generation. So it appears to me that the death of Pope John Paul II was more of a time marker and a sign of something yet to come.