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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Coming Out of Bondage - Part 2

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Issue #242September 2008

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 2

In Part 1, I gave an overall history of Babylonian bondage, how it began, and how it has progressed over the centuries through the various “beast” systems prophesied by Daniel.

Daniel foresaw the “little horn” coming out of the fourth beast (Rome). But it remained for John to add more details to this prophecy. The book of Revelation centers largely upon this “little horn” and then shows how it too was to be displaced by a final beast coming from the earth. This final beast was primarily a financial empire, whose rise would eclipse the power of the Roman Church.

By 1929 the Roman Church was forced to change its moral laws established 1400 years earlier in the laws of Justinian (529 A.D.). It then adopted usury, the linchpin of the financial beast, and established its own Vatican Bank.

Essentially, the Vatican began to compete with the other beast through international finance in an attempt to regain its lost position of power. It is a futile attempt, of course, not only because it got a late start, but also because prophecy indicates that BOTH of these beast systems will collapse in the end.

Today we are nearing the time of the end of their power in the world.

Seventy Years of Modern Babylonian Captivity

I first noticed this 70-year Babylonian captivity back in the late 1970’s, and in 1981 I actually taught a series on the book of Daniel, showing that in 1983-84 the 70-year captivity would be completed (from 1913-14).

Of course, at the time, I had no idea how complex this would be in its fulfillment. I did not know about the Hezekiah Factor either, for this was not revealed until October of 1994. So I did not realize at the time that the beginning of Babylon’s end would be postponed for 10 years until November of 1993.

This was when we held the Jubilee Prayer Campaign (Nov. 21-29, 1993), and then a follow-up prayer campaign from Jan. 27-30, 1994, which we called “His Fulness.”

Between these two prayer campaigns, we began to come out of bondage to Babylon, for these were the appointed times for the overcomers to appear before the Divine Court to begin the legal process toward replacing the Babylonians with the overcomers, as we read in Daniel 7:26 and 27,

26 But the court will sit for judgment, and his [the beast's] dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions will serve and obey Him.

But before explaining this further, let me go back ten years to the end of the 70-year captivity of Babylon in 1983-84. Why was Babylon not called into the Divine Court at that time? Here we run into the difference between God’s will and God’s plan, which I have elsewhere explained more fully.

It was the will of God that Babylon be called into account in 1983-84, but it was the divine plan that this be postponed for ten years.

The Ten-Year Delay

In 1981 God raised up the Net of Prayer to call the Church into intercession and spiritual warfare. If the Church as a whole had responded to this prayer call, I believe God would have revealed what to do next, and when to do it. He would have had the Church go before the Divine Court in late 1983 and make the appeal to transfer authority from Babylon to the Church, so that the Church could declare the Jubilee in 1986 and regain the authority to bring forth the Manchild, the sons of God.

However, the divine plan had already established that the Church under Pentecost was “King Saul,” and not King David. The Roman Church, which has been the primary manifestation of King Saul for many centuries, had already adopted Babylon’s financial system of usury in 1929, so it was an active participant in it.

There is no way that the Church would qualify to declare the Jubilee and cancel all debts, when it was participating in the bondage and competing with Babylon to bring more people into bondage to itself.

Besides, the Church system itself had long established that no man could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but had to do so through the Church organization and hierarchy. There is no salvation outside the Church, said Cyprian in the middle of the third century. By this, he meant that to be a true Christian, one had to become a member of the earthly organization, which they called the “true Church.”

This is the essence of the prophetic type of King Saul, and it led to the idea of submission to men, rather than to Jesus Christ. It led to an indirect relationship with Christ with earthly priests having the power to determine men’s salvation and relationship with Christ.

And so, when the Net of Prayer called the Church to prayer in 1981, only a few individual Christians responded while all of the denominations rejected the call. For this reason, the revelation about going to the Divine Court remained hidden to them.

This was, of course, a foregone conclusion, since we know the story of King Saul, and we know that God rejected Saul from having an enduring dynasty. Though Saul had a legitimate calling and anointing, he served only as a temporary king until David was old enough to become king at the appointed time.

From our study of timing, we now know that the Church under Pentecost was given 40 Jubilees in which to “reign” in the earth—a Jubilee cycle for each year of Saul. This time did not end until May 30, 1993, which was the 40th Jubilee of the Church since Pentecost of 33 A.D.

Since Saul’s anointing was legitimate, he was the one who had to decide in 1983 whether or not to make the appeal in the Divine Court. By refusing to heed the call at that time, the Saul-Church lost its opportunity. The year 1986 came and went, and the Church had no understanding of times and seasons. The great 120th Jubilee from Adam arrived on Oct. 13, 1986, and the Church did not have the revelation to declare the Jubilee.

But meanwhile, God had already begun to separate His people—the overcomers—from the main body of the Church. He did this on the night of April 8, 1985. This separation took place in order that the overcomers might not be implicated in the decision of the Church. Instead, God began to train some modern overcomers to do the work that the Saul-Church had refused to do.

This training would take ten years to accomplish. These ten years would take us to the end of Saul’s reign in 1993. The overcomers, represented by King David, would begin to receive the spiritual authority to hear and obey God, where Saul had failed.

For this reason, God called a “new Net of Prayer” into being in 1991, ten years after the original call to prayer in 1981. The revelation of timing came at the same time, and the representatives of the overcomers were able to declare the Jubilee in 1996 and do what “Saul” had failed to do in 1986.

Furthermore, the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993 lodged a complaint against Mystery Babylon in the Divine Court. The overcomers did what the Saul-Church should have done in 1983, had they responded to the prayer call at that time.

It was all delayed by ten years, but these ten years show us the difference between God’s will and God’s plan. The difference is TIME.

Establishing the New Net of Prayer

In July of 1986, I was given a Word (through others) that I was to leave the Net of Prayer and “call the NEW Net of Prayer to prayer.” I did not understand this at the time, and in fact I rejected this word because I really did not want to leave.

Because of this, I found myself in non-compliance on Sept. 2, 1986, which was the deadline to decide. On that date I went into “Cursed Time” and spent 3 x 414 days in a disciplinary mode. Toward the end of this time, Oct. 16, 1989, I finally resigned from the Net of Prayer, resolving the original problem.

Thus, when my Cursed Time period ended on January 27, 1990, I moved from Memphis, TN to Leachville, AR. My time in “Egypt” (Memphis) ended right on schedule, and my new address was Rt. 2, Box 76. God moved us to Box 76 because 76 is the cleansing factor that takes us from 414 to 490, Blessed Time. (414 + 76 = 490). In fact, to “leach” means to drain or CLEANSE. We moved to Leachville for a time of cleansing.

The Father then gave me a year’s period in which to re-orient myself, and in 1991 I found myself back in full-time ministry, traveling around the country. I also began to learn about timing in April, and by the end of May 1991 the final pieces to the puzzle of timing fell into place.

At the same time, we were led to “establish the new Net of Prayer” on May 28, 1991. I had not yet made the ten-year connection to 1981 yet, but the circumstances were as follows:

I had been invited to drive from Leachville to Batesville on May 28 for a meeting. As I awoke that morning, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Study the laws of devotion.” I got dressed and began to study the Scripture passages about devotion, devote, and devoted.

I got no enlightenment, but I did take note from Micah 7:2 that the Hebrew word haram, normally translated “devotion,” could also be translated “net.” The verse says, “each of them hunts the other with a NET” (from haram).

But without further revelation from the Holy Spirit, it is usually best not to try to work up an understanding. So I reached the end of my study, got into the car, and began driving to Batesville around noon. About 30 miles away, as I drove through Jonesboro, the Lord told me to stop for lunch, as He had something to tell me.

I took a notebook and pen into the restaurant, and as I was waiting to be served, I asked, “Ok, Father, what is it you want to show me?”

His answer began with the words, “Call the new Net of Prayer to prayer,” essentially quoting the 1986 revelation given five years earlier. Suddenly, the revelation came alive in me, and I realized that this new “Net” was the body of those devoted to God according to the laws of devotion. In other words, they were the overcomers.

That revelation told me that we were to “establish the New Net of Prayer” that day (May 28, 1991) by prayer agreement in Batesville, Arkansas. We did this.

As the revelation of timing continued over the next two years, I came to see that 1993 was the 40th Jubilee of the Church under Pentecost and that “King Saul” would die prophetically on May 30, 1993 (i.e., Pentecost that year).

When “Saul” died, the new Net of Prayer was activated automatically, for it could not do anything under the anointing of David until Saul had died.

Only then did I begin to receive revelation about a soon-coming prayer campaign, which turned out to be the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in November of 1993. That was when the New Net of Prayer actually began functioning.

The Jubilee Prayer Campaign

As time passed, it soon became apparent that there was a direct connection between the 5-year call to prayer from 1981-1986 and the 5-year call to prayer from 1991-1996. This connection was not revealed to me all at once, but over a period of time.

Looking back on it from today’s perspective, it is clear to me that the function of this ministry has been to call the overcomers to do that which the Church refused to do ten years earlier. We are called to succeed, whereas the work from 1981-1986 was destined to fail—not on account of those who responded to the call, but on account of the failure of King Saul to respond to the prayer call.

God’s Kingdom Ministries was actually founded in 1981, and we ministered in conjunction with the Net of Prayer until 1989. But the prophetic word in 1986 used the term “New Net of Prayer” to describe my calling. Though I do not use this term officially, one must understand it in order to know the underlying purpose and calling of God’s Kingdom Ministries.

The first order of business was to make our appearance before the Divine Court at the appointed time from Nov. 21-29, 1993 to lodge a complaint against Babylon. Its time was completed in 1983 after 70 years of power, but because of Church complicity with Babylon, its time was extended ten years to 1993.

Once “Saul” died, however, and the denominational systems of the Church lost their divine mandate to rule the Kingdom, the overcomers received the authority to make these decisions and to take action in the Divine Court that would change the course of world history.

At the same time, the Israeli state reached the end of its mandate as well. The Palestinian Resolution had been introduced to the United Nations on Nov. 21, 1947, and after being debated, it had passed on Nov. 29. This was precisely 46 years before our Jubilee Prayer Campaign of Nov. 21-29, 1993.

In John 2:19-21 we read,

19 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews therefore said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body.

The number 46 is, of course, a very significant number in Bible prophecy. Here it is associated with the Herod’s temple, which had never been graced with the divine presence. It had no Ark of the Covenant in it. Thus, we say that a man without the Holy Spirit is like Herod’s temple, even as a man with the Holy Spirit is like Solomon’s temple. Man has 46 chromosomes defining his “body” (temple), and the name Adam in Greek has a numeric value of 46. And most importantly, the Greek word naos, “temple,” appears precisely 46 times in the N.T.

The phrase in John 2:20, “It took forty-six years to build this temple,” has a numeric value of 3588 (46 x 78). So this number is embedded within the text itself.

The point is that it was revealed in 1993 that the Israeli State was given 46 years in which to build their “temple.” I am not speaking of a literal temple in Jerusalem, but rather their Zionist State, founded upon the “temple” of their carnal minds.

This “temple” was blessed by the Saul-Church in 1947, for they thought that this was the fulfillment of the Israel prophecies in Scripture. They did not understand the story of Esau or the prophecies of Edom, so they assumed that God had “chosen” the Jewish Zionists to build the Kingdom of God around the Old Jerusalem (Hagar).

Anyway, when they reached their 46th anniversary in 1993, we appealed the case to the Divine Court, not only to bring Babylon to account, but also to bring the Israeli State to account.

You see, the Church had bestowed “chosen” status to the Israeli State in 1947, and so in 1993 we appealed to the Divine Court for God to transfer that birthright to the ones truly called—that is, the overcomers. They were given 46 years and failed to bring forth the sons of God. The body of Christ did it in a legal sense in three years by declaring the Jubilee in 1996.

Actually, this was done two months later through “His Fulness” Prayer Campaign on Jan. 27-30, 1994. This was our follow-up prayer campaign.

These two parts show how there are two major events tied together in the transfer of authority from Babylon-Zionism-Saul-Church to the overcomers. This is the key to coming out of bondage, for only the overcomers are really concerned with bringing the people of the earth out of bondage into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. All other contenders for the throne are self-serving and want to put them into bondage to themselves.

What it Means to be Chosen

Carnally-minded people have always desired to be chosen. They want to be “elected” to rule others, because they desire slaves. The more slaves, the better. They all claim this divine right without regard to their obedience to God, and they all seek God’s stamp of approval so that they can rule others without having to go through the discipline of putting on the mind of Christ. They want to rule the earth their own way, rather than submit to the will of God.

This “birthright” has been contested almost since the beginning of history. For the most part, men want the power to rule the earth as a son of God, but they do not want to rule under God. They prefer to rule as gods.

Even the Israelites themselves were carnally minded and wanted to live their lives without submitting to divine authority (i.e., His law). They wanted to be independent of Him, which they defined as “freedom.” Later, the Church called such independence, “freedom in Christ,” as if to say that being a bondservant of Christ was discarding freedom.

God judged Israel during the time of the Judges by imposing upon them the wooden yoke. Each time, He “sold” them into the hands of a foreign nation. By putting Israel under the authority of other nations, God made each of those other nations “chosen” (responsible) to bring forth the fruits of the Kingdom.

Each nation failed, of course, and God judged each in his turn. Finally, in Jeremiah’s day, God put Israel and Judah under the yoke of Babylon and the succession of beast empires. This made Babylon “chosen” in that sense, not only giving them the divine right to rule the earth, but also making them responsible to bring forth the sons of God.

This is what began to come to an end in 1993, when “Saul” died and “David” began to receive authority in the earth. The significance of this date cannot be overstated. The appeal was made to give the overcomers the divine right to hold the birthright, not only to give them the right to rule the earth, but more importantly to give them the right to manifest the sons of God.

The overcomers are the ones truly called to do this, and they are the ones who will fulfill the terms of the feast of Tabernacles. They will inherit the first resurrection and will be given aionian life in The Age to come.

Even as it took David 7½ years to receive full authority over all Israel and Judah (2 Sam. 5:5), so also did it take the same amount of time for the overcomers to attain full authority on Nov. 30, 2000. This was 7½ years after “Saul” died on May 30, 1993. It coincided with the end of the 7-year Jubilee Prayer Campaign ending Nov. 29, 2000.