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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Coming Out of Bondage - Part 3

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Issue #243October 2008

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 3

I showed earlier that the Church (“Saul”) was called to seek God from 1981-1986, but that they refused. As a consequence, God separated the overcomers from the Church, creating a separate body of people (in His eyes) who would actually comply with the divine will.

The result was that the overcomers, prophetically called “the New Net of Prayer,” did from 1991-1996 what the Church had refused to do from 1981-1986. This does not mean that all overcomers were aware of what was going on, nor does it mean that anyone who failed to hear about it are excluded from being an overcomer. Far from it.

God usually works with a representative number of people who collectively manifest the heart of the body as a whole. He did this in the 1980’s with the Church, and He has done the same in the 1990’s with the overcomers. Furthermore, because God knows the end from the beginning, it does not matter what state a person has been in the past, because God knows what the person is becoming. For this reason it hardly possible for us to know who is and who is NOT an overcomer, based upon present conditions or current evidence.

In fact, if we look at the original pattern of the classic overcomer—Jacob—we find that he was called in the plan of God before he was even born, but yet he did not receive the name Israel until he was 98 years old. And even then, he only won by losing the wrestling match with the angel. He “prevailed” only when his flesh was fully defeated. It is doubtful if he thought of himself as an overcomer at that point, but that appeared to be the point where he qualified.

The New Net of Prayer was established by the word of prophecy on May 28, 1991. Two years and two days later, on May 30, 1993, the Church under “Saul” died, and we entered into the transition from Pentecost to Tabernacles, with authority beginning to be transferred from the church to the overcomers. Finally, on Nov. 21, 1993 the New Net of Prayer began its first prayer campaign, appealing to the Divine Court for the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. The appeal was made on the grounds that Babylon had been given its full allotment of time to rule the earth and had then refused to declare the Jubilee and set the earth free.

The case was made, and the overcomers won the case. We know this by two major signs that took place on revealed watch dates. The first was the 12-month cycle as revealed in Daniel 4:29. The other was the 414-day cycle, which is the standard grace period given to those who have been condemned by the Divine Court.

The 12-Month Sign

The fourth chapter of Daniel tells of a prophetic dream that King Nebuchadnezzar was given. In the dream he saw a mighty tree, representing himself and Babylon, which was then cut down by a “watcher” (Dan. 4:13, 23). The watcher left only the stump of the tree along with its roots, binding it with bands of bronze and iron.

In comparing this dream with the king’s earlier dream in Daniel 2, we see that the “tree” of Babylon was to be cut down by Media-Persia, and remain under the authority of Greece (“bronze”) and Rome (“iron”).

The early pattern of this overthrow occurred 12 months later when King Nebuchadnezzar himself became insane and was driven from the throne for “seven times.” At the end of that period of time, his sanity was restored, and he humbly acknowledged the sovereignty of Daniel’s God.

So we read in Dan. 4:28-31,

28 All this happened to Nebuchadnezzar the king. 29Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon. 30 The king reflected and said, “Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence [house] by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?” 31 While the word was yet in the king’s mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, “King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared; sovereignty has been removed from you.”

When we engaged in the Jubilee Prayer Campaign from Nov. 21-29, 1993, we recognized that Daniel 4 was a key pattern in our appeal to the Divine Court. For this reason, knowing that we had won our case, we knew that we were to watch for evidence of our success twelve months later.

November 8, 1994 was the date of mid-term elections in America. We were living in Washington State at the time, having moved there in November of 1993 just before the Jubilee Prayer Campaign. In the months leading to Election Day, I heard some “Talk Radio” hosts speaking about “de-Foley-ating Washington.”

They were referring to the fact that Tom Foley, a Democrat, was the Speaker of the House, and he was being opposed by a Republican rival, George Nethercutt. The Talk Show hosts wanted Nethercutt to win the election and remove Tom Foley from Washington.

I immediately recognized that these Talk Show hosts were inadvertently prophesying the pattern of Daniel 4. The name “Nethercutt” literally means “a lower cut.” I saw that he was called to cut the Babylonian “tree” with a lower cut than what occurred in the days of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4.

As it turned out, Nethercutt did win the election on November 8. Of course, since the newly elected officials did not actually take office until January, this left Foley in office for a short while longer. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives debated the revisions to the GATT Treaty, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

As soon as the House passed the bill, Tom Foley made a speech about what a great accomplishment he and the others had made, and then he resigned. It was Nov. 29, 1994, precisely 12 months to the day after the end of our Jubilee Prayer Campaign.

That is how Washington was “de-Foley-ated.” It was the first major sign of our success in the Divine Court in 1993, and it proved to us that God was in the process of transferring the authority from Babylon to the saints of the Most High—that is, the overcomers.

In other words, we had come to the beginning of the end of the long Babylonian captivity that had begun in the days of Jeremiah and Daniel. The modern phase of this Babylonian captivity (under the Federal Reserve System) might have begun to end in November of 1983, if the Saul Church had been in compliance with the mind of God. But that was delayed ten years and only after “Saul” died did the overcomers have the authority to go before God and make this appeal. We saw the first major sign of success 12 months later when Tom Foley stood in the “House” and bragged about his accomplishments, much like the king of Babylon had done before him. Then he left the House.

The verdict is given by divine decree in verse 31: “sovereignty has been removed from you.” This was performed by the modern actors on the stage of history, and we were privileged to have tickets to watch the story unfold before our eyes.

The 414-Day Cycle

We also had the insight from the beginning to know that we ought to watch for some major sign of the fall of Babylon 414 days after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign.

Nov. 29, 1993 + 414 days = January 17, 1995

The number 414, of course, is the factor of Cursed Time in Scripture. I dealt with this number in my book, Secrets of Time, where I showed various 414-year cycles from the divine decree of judgment to the implementation of that judgment upon the nations.

This watch date (Jan. 17) was confirmed when the Los Angeles 6.8 Richter quake occurred on January 17, 1994. We had suspected that we would see an earthquake occur, simply because Rev. 16:18 speaks of the fall of Babylon as “a great earthquake.” But it struck a year early.

As we contemplated this, we concluded that we would have to see another quake a year later, because there was no way that this quake could replace the 414-year time cycle the following year.

We discerned that the coming quake would probably hit the Seattle area, because Washington State represented Washington D.C., and Seattle was in King County. In other words, the overthrow of King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled Washington D.C., should be confirmed in Seattle.

Some people urged us to leave the city, fearing the eruption of Mount Rainier, which some had prophesied. However, we were not led to leave, so we figured if it hit us, we would be divinely protected.

On January 17, 1995 a powerful 7.2 Richter earthquake struck Kobe, Japan, devastating the city. The media in Seattle (where we were living at the time) then told us that Kobe is Seattle’s “Sister City.” See. . . .

In deciphering spiritual things, it is hard for most people to grasp the idea that there is no time or distance in the spirit. There are only connecting links that identify one date with another, or that link one location with another. In spiritual terms, it is as if the two are one.

I began to learn this years ago when I was caught up in spiritual warfare. Back in those early days, I made the statement: “In spiritual warfare, you stick your sword of the Spirit into the haystack and see who yells OUCH!”

In other words, it was not always easy to know who was being affected by the warfare. It could be anyone around the world, because distance made no difference.

In the case of the Kobe quake, it was as if it really did hit Seattle. But Seattle, in turn, had a spiritual link to Washington D.C. and again to Babylon itself. Though Babylon is a great city of the past, it is still with us today, because there is no time in the spirit.

These are difficult principles to grasp, but we did learn these things by actual experience and by observation over many years.

We also discovered that Kobe means “God’s Door.” Ancient Babylon was called “Bab-ili” by the Babylonian people themselves. See Line 10 of The Cyrus Cylinder at:

Bab-ili literally means “the Gate of God.” In other words, Kobe is essentially a Japanese equivalent of the ancient name for Babylon. So the Kobe quake really was a picture of the overthrow of Babylon.

The point is that Kobe-Babylon was overthrown by an earthquake precisely 414 days after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign. It was the second confirming sign that we discerned we would see at the appointed time.

His Fulness Prayer Campaign

After the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993, we held a second campaign from January 27-30, 1994. It was called “His Fulness.” Even as the first had been to bring Babylon to the divine court for its refusal to declare the Jubilee, so also did we go again to petition for the Fulness of the Holy Spirit to be given to the overcomers.

Once again, we saw interesting signs occur on the one-year cycle and the 414-day cycle, dating from this prayer campaign.

One year later, Jan. 27, 1995, Dave, Ken, and I were led to go to Olympia, the Capital city of Washington to see what we would see. When we arrived, we discovered that we got there just in time for a pro-life, anti-abortion rally being held there. We knew that we were there to see a sign of the Fulness of the Spirit, which, of course, involves the birth of the Manchild in us. Governor Lowry sent a message to the rally telling them that he would veto any legislation that restricted a woman’s “right” to an abortion. Dave then stood at the flag pole in the square and spoke, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?” (1 Sam. 17:26).

On the drive home, we discussed the fact that God was about to circumcise Goliath just above the shoulders. Within a few days Gov. Lowry was embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal involving Susanne Albright, and he announced that he would not run again for governor. He ultimately settled the case by paying her $97,500.

Gov. Lowry looks a bit like Yassir Arafat. See picture:

About two weeks after this Goliath revelation, a very big man showed up at our house meetings with a testimony about how God had circumcised his heart on the same week end that we had been in Olympia. He gave his weight at 276 pounds, which was a joke, because his scale only went to 275, and he maxed out the scale whenever he stood on it. Nonetheless, the joke was prophetic, because 276 is the number of “all flesh.” It appears in Acts 27:37 as the number of people in the ship being shipwrecked. This is a biblical parable about how “all flesh” will be saved in the end, even though the “ship” of Babylon is wrecked.

Anyway, we found it somewhat amusing that God would do such a work in a man of his size during the very time that we were discerning the circumcision of Goliath. (We were more amused than he was, of course.)

But getting back to our narrative, the next day after our Olympia trip was Saturday, Jan. 28, 1995. The three of us were led to go to “Capital Hill” overlooking downtown Seattle. Reading from David’s notes, the Word was this:

Go by the way of Peace, the Prince of Peace of the New Jerusalem. For blessed are the peace-makers, for they are the sons of God. Then proceed to the corner of the 12 and the apostle of Love. There the Revealer shall reveal, after My prayer is prayed,” the steps of My Son.”

We understood from this that we were to take the Olive Way exit off Interstate 5 and go up Capital Hill to the corner of 12th and John. There we were to read John 17, which is The Lord’s Prayer—not to be confused with the Disciples’ Prayer that Jesus taught them in Matt. 6:9-13.

We arrived at the appointed place at 7:00 p.m. and read John 17 in a fine mist. Then we decided to walk a couple of blocks to down Broadway and see what “the Revealer shall reveal.” We remarked how “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.” At that point, we began to see people running out of the buildings and talking loudly.

We asked what was going on, and they told us that they had just felt a strong earthquake. I looked at my watch, and it read 7:10 p.m., but the news later said officially that a 5.0 Richter quake had struck under Federal Way, Washington (just south of Seattle) at 7:11 p.m.

We ourselves had felt nothing, but it really shook up a lot of people and sent them running out of the buildings. So we had our answer. The Revealer was revealing how He protects us in the midst of the “earthquake” that will destroy Babylon.

But it was also a sign of His Fulness Prayer Campaign, because Acts 4:31 speaks of the place being shaken when the Holy Spirit was poured out the second time (the first being the day of Pentecost). This second outpouring was prophetic of the outpouring yet to come at the Feast of Tabernacles.

So all of these events—the Olympia prophecy, the circumcision of Goliath, and the earthquake—marked the one-year anniversary of His Fulness Prayer Campaign, much like Tom Foley’s resignation marked the one-year anniversary of the Jubilee Prayer Campaign.

The Second 414-day Cycle

Dating from the end of His Fulness (Jan. 30, 1994), if we add 414 days we come to March 20, 1995. This was the second watch date that would confirm the prayer campaign and tell us what was happening in the spirit.

Because the date was marked by the 414-day cycle, we saw His Fulness from the negative side (judgment), which gave us a “blackboard effect.” There was a sarin gas attack on a Tokyo subway, which killed 12 and injured 5,500 more. I thought this was interesting because it was another event in Japan, just as the Kobe quake had struck Japan on the previous 414-day cycle.

Secondly, I received a letter shortly afterward, saying,

“ . . . Roy McMasters in Texas had called this week and told him 1000 new agers convened in New Mexico to call in the Age of Aquarius and that time of the ‘fish’ [Pisces] Christian age is over. They are bent to call into our DNA’s the ability to become gods—this happened March 20.”

The New Age movement, of course, is attempting to obtain the Fulness of the Spirit without going through the proper biblical procedure—that is, by the progression of the feast days. They see Jesus as a great Example and Teacher, but they do not see Him as the Sacrifice for sin by which this is made possible.

Even so, the New Agers generally have more spiritual discernment than the average Christian. The problem is that they want what the Feast of Tabernacles provides, but they do not know that Jesus is the only Door to it.

And so, they discerned that March 20, 1995 was the time to call into their DNA the ability to become gods. This “call” was made on Cursed Time, not on Blessed Time. It was done at the same time as the poison gas attack in Tokyo, which suggests that the “spirit” (wind, breath, or “gas”) was poisonous to them.

On the other hand, we knew to mark the 490-day cycle of Blessed Time on June 4, 1995. On this day we held another prayer campaign called “Occupy Till I Come.” This laid foundations for events in 1996.

Occupy Till I Come: June 4, 1995

The revelation about this prayer campaign was given back in 1985, when I received the word that we were to hold this prayer campaign on June 4, 1985. It was not done that year, but was held ten years later on June 4, 1995.

The basic revelation from 1985 was to “occupy The Gates until I come.” When we finally were able to hold this prayer campaign in 1995, we still did not know how this would affect us the following year, but it did.

In 1996 we fulfilled the word given to us ten years earlier in 1986, saying, “Be on the move.” We had even held a prayer campaign in 1986 called “My People on the Move” Prayer Campaign. In 1996 we recognized that this was a word for us to move from Washington to Minnesota on August 5, 1996.

We moved without knowing where we were going to live. Because we did not have enough credit to rent a house, God worked circumstances so that we purchased a house. But we could not finish the deal until the old owners had built another house for themselves. So we had to find temporary housing for a few months.

It is difficult to find temporary housing, since most people demand at least a six-month lease. We wanted just a three-month lease, because they told us that we would be able to move into the house by the end of November. We were finally able to find an apartment in a place called “The Gates of Edinburgh.” We quite literally “occupied The Gates” until we were able to move into our newly-purchased home.

This taught us a very important revelation about the transfer of the authority to the saints of the Most High.