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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



Coming Out of Bondage - Part 5

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Issue #245December 2008

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 5

There is an old revelation from about 1980, used often in the Net of Prayer in those days: “July is like September.” In other words, every year some revelation or event occurs in July which is fulfilled or is directly connected to the same date in September. Every year we closely monitor the month of July.

Often this means that June is like August as well, especially events occurring toward the end of June. In this case, as I wrote in Part 4, the Tyson-Holyfield fight occurred June 28, the day the 18 women finished their tour (spiritual warfare) of China. The Pearl of the Orient was eaten by the dragon on July 1st. So this was the time frame to watch two months later.

The problem is that June only has 30 days, while August has 31 days. So this raised a question about July 1st. Were we to watch Sept. 1st or August 31st? Whatever the case, we understood that the Pearl of Great Price was in danger of being swallowed by a “dragon,” and that the intent was to “double” the pattern two months after the first pattern had been established in Hong Kong.

Posting “No Trespassing” SignsJubilee Amnesty to cut jail time by 10% for some

In August of 1997, my wife and I were led to make a lengthy trip to Texas, then to the Florida Keys, then to Huntersville, NC. The work was to be finished August 28, two months after June 28, and then we were to return home by Sept. 1st, two months after July 1st. The purpose of the trip was to do spiritual warfare to protect the Bride—the Pearl of Great Price—from the dragon.

My wife's name, Darla, is related to the Hebrew word dar, which means “pearl.” (See Strong's Conc. #1858.) On this trip, she represented prophetically the Pearl of Great Price. The primary work was to set boundary markers first on Padre Island off the coast of Corpus Christi, TX, then at Key West, FL, and finally in Huntersville, NC, declaring that this land was off-limits to the attack by the dragon. This prohibition would last precisely one year, and during that time, no hurricanes would hit the coast.

Deut. 19:14 says, “You shall not move your neighbor's boundary mark.” This Scripture was our authorization to establish those boundaries. In essence, we were posting “No Trespassing” signs for the dragon. He put Corpus Christi (“Body of Christ”) off limits, for we knew that this was the primary “pearl” that the dragon wished to consume.

On the long drive from Corpus Christi to Key West, I recalled something else that I had learned years earlier in the Net of Prayer. When the enemy is deprived of its primary target, it will often seek a secondary target. As I pondered this, I came to the conclusion that the dragon would find another woman, someone representing the Church. She would not be from America, since we were setting boundaries here. Most likely, she would be from Europe, perhaps from Britain, since Prince Charles had presided over the transfer ceremonies in Hong Kong on July 1st.

Beyond that, I had no distinct discernment, other than the timing. The target would be taken either August 31 or September 1st, since either date could fulfill the July 1st event, when China swallowed up the Pearl of the Orient.

Well, we finished our work at Huntersville, NC on August 28 and began driving home to Minnesota. We came to Detroit on the night of August 31, and when I turned on the television at the hotel, they were talking about the death of Princess Diana. She was the alternate “pearl” consumed by the dragon. Since the royal family is the official head of the Church of England, this established Diana as a type of the Church. And the flag of the royal family is the only one in the world that pictures a red dragon.

The dragon had consumed an alternate “pearl” at precisely the time we had discerned two months earlier. This ended “round one” of the Dragon Wars.

Background from 1985 and 1989

In July and August of 1997, I began to discern that I was to make this trip to Texas, essentially to complete a protection trip that the leader of the Net of Prayer had begun in 1985.

In 1985 he had made a similar trip, beginning in Corpus Christi, Texas—but he had run out of cash in Baton Rouge, LA, and so the southern part of America east of Baton Rouge had remained unprotected. The result was that a number of hurricanes had struck in the unprotected areas east of Baton Rouge, costing billions of dollars in damage. In a case like this, a little faith and a few hundred dollars of gasoline money could have saved the country billions of dollars.

In those days (1985) we watched with great interest when hurricanes, which were heading toward Texas, actually turned east in order to respect the boundary that had been set. The most important thing was that Corpus Christi was spared, because it was in the protected zone.

Four years later, I too made a trip to Corpus Christi in June of 1989 after receiving a word from the Lord on June 11, 1989, telling me,

“You will go to the shores of the Gulf, point the staff at the dragon in the sea, and prophesy his destruction. . . This shall prevent the hurricane from striking the city, and it shall die. On the second time you enter Corpus Christi, the Bride shall be crowned with glory and raised up to sit in My throne with Me.”

There was no hurricane in sight at the time, nor was there was any sign of a hurricane when I began my trip on June 19, 1989. For a few days I had to go to four places in the area to pray/decree certain matters. By the time I got into the middle of Texas on June 26, news reports said that a hurricane had formed in the Gulf and was sitting stationary, as if waiting for me to finish my work. It was called Hurricane Allison (not to be confused with Hurricane Allison in June 1995).

I arrived in Corpus Christi June 27, spoke to the hurricane, forbidding it to strike land, and then left town the next day. The hurricane never struck land, because wind sheer cut off its head, and it died in the Gulf.

But at the time, I wondered what the Lord meant when He said, “on the second time you enter Corpus Christi.” This remained a mystery to me for eight years, until 1997 when the Word of the Lord instructed me to return. I then began to make preparations for the second trip to Corpus Christi, knowing that this was part of the Dragon War.

However, others then began sending me revelation that God had been telling them. On August 16, 1997, Martin called to tell me of a vision he had. He had seen a huge 18-wheeler driving at high speed down the highway. I was the “cab,” and Darla was the “trailer.” Suddenly, there was a huge crash, and the two became one. Yet afterward, the truck continued on its journey with no damage. At first he was alarmed, wondering if I was going to be involved in a literal car crash. But the Lord told him no, that Darla was to come with me on this trip, and that we would come into full unity. (Not to imply that we were in any disunity, of course.)

Another friend from Oklahoma called to share a vision from a friend who had seen an 18-wheeler with the word “Victoria” written in large letters on the side of the trailer. He said that he believed something needed to be done in Victoria, Texas.

The bottom line is that I took Darla and the boys with me on this trip. We left on August 19, precisely two months after June 19 (when Michele and the other women left on their China trip, as I described earlier). We set the boundary on Padre Island on August 21, and then spent the night in Corpus Christi. The next day we drove to Victoria, Texas, where Bob Henley performed a New Covenant wedding ceremony for Darla and me, with Bill and Joan Thorpe as witnesses. This fulfilled the word about us coming into true unity.

On the second time you enter Corpus Christi, the Bride shall be crowned with glory and raised up to sit in My throne with Me.”

By this time, I had come to understand the difference between Old and New Covenant marriages, which I later put into a book by that title. We had been married in 1971 under a conditional marriage, where both she and I took vows, much like Israel's marriage to God at Mount Sinai. It was a normal old covenant marriage ceremony. But on August 22, 1997 we were led to get remarried in a New Covenant ceremony, in which I took the vows and she simply said AMEN.

This wedding fulfilled the 1989 word about the Bride being crowned with glory. Darla was representing the Pearl, as her name indicates. She had a pearl-colored dress and shoes, and wore a pearl ring. Ephesians 3:19 was read,

19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fulness of God.

Then we drove to Key West, Florida, arriving there on August 26 to set the second boundary. From there we drove to Huntersville, NC, where we set the final boundary on August 28.

While on our return trip, Princess Diana was killed on August 31, which was precisely 414 days from July 13, 1996—when Margaret was attacked in her feet in British Columbia. Recall from Part 4, that this was the event that started the Dragon Wars in the first place.


We arrived home, saddened by the death of Diana, but yet satisfied that we had done the work that we were called to do to protect the Body of Christ. It also served to protect America's south coast, for no hurricanes would hit the coast for a full year.

The following year, on August 22, 1998 there was a tropical storm named Charley which struck near Corpus Christi and flooded nearby towns. Our boundary had expired the previous day, set on August 21, 1997.

Hurricane Bonnie made landfall over Cape Fear in North Carolina on August 26, 1998 just outside the third boundary marker set in Huntersville. (Huntersville is inland from Cape Fear.) Bonnie was unable to strike Florida, because it had arrived near Florida before the boundary marker was set to expire on August 26. So it bypassed Florida and struck North Carolina on August 26.

On Sept. 3 Hurricane Earl hit near Panama City, Florida, dumping 23 inches of rain. This was well past the one-year mark.

And so, round one of the Dragon Wars concerned the one-year “No Trespassing” boundaries from August 1997 to August 1998. Round one involved the return of Hong Kong to China, the Tyson-Holyfield fight, and the death of Princess Diana. Our involvement was designed to limit the “dragon” so that it could not consume the great prize of “The Pearl of Great Price.”

Round Two of the Dragon Wars (1998)

This year 1997-1998 was also the 50th anniversary of the Israeli state. It was their “Jubilee,” and how they celebrated it was very revealing, for it was their opportunity to do what a “chosen people” should have done—that is, to set people free.

We ourselves had declared the Jubilee on Sept. 23, 1996 in accordance with the calling of the overcomers. Now it was their turn. Their carnal version of the Jubilee stood in direct contrast to ours and established the level of their own judgment. But it is as if the one-year reprieve was to hold off the divine sentence until they had opportunity to determine their own level of judgment.

This phase of the Dragon Wars would make clear who is truly called and who truly has the character of Christ qualifying them to rule in the Tabernacles Age that is coming shortly. Will God appoint the Israelis to rule the world so that they can have 2500 slaves apiece, as the Talmud says? Or will God appoint the overcomers, the Sons of God, whose rule will set creation free?

In 1998 the preparations focused primarily upon a conference of eight handpicked people on April 2 and 3 in Spokane, Washington, called “Symposium.” The primary revelation of the Symposium was that we were to declare, “Cast out the bondwoman.”

In other words, this Dragon War was really a dispute over who would be the true inheritor of the Birthright and who would bring forth the Manchild that would rule the earth in the Age to come.

The two leading contenders who were in competition for the throne are the Church and the Jews—that is, organized Christianity and Judaism. The revelation in 1998 made it clear that neither are qualified to rule, for both groups have identified with the old Jerusalem, which is “Hagar” (Gal. 4:25). Both groups are in bondage with their children and cannot bring forth “Isaac” by the Old Cov’t.

The Overcomers are truly called to receive the Scepter. They are to be empowered to bring the others to Christ in time for the second resurrection 1000 years later.

It just happened also that from the day the Coronation Stone had arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland on Nov. 30, 1996 to the day the prophetic word was spoken at the Symposium on April 3, 1998 was precisely 490 days inclusive. This is a “Blessed Time” period, as I explained in Secrets of Time. This link suggests that the overcomers, to whom the divine right to rule has come, was to exercise their spiritual authority to cast out “Hagar” and her son.

When Sunny Day had first begun receiving revelation about holding this Symposium, she received a word,

“This is about the placing of My Overcomers in lieu of the important events that are approaching” (Oct. 1, 1997).

A few months later, in February of 1998, Ron had received the word,

“There’s going to be a Spokane Word coming forth from Spokane soon.”

It was a pun, of course, about the Spoken Word coming out of Spokane. This was before Sunny Day had decided to hold the Symposium in Spokane. Sunny Day also received further revelation as the days progressed:

We shall be in direct communication and association as My decrees and declarations are issued forth from My Throne Room (Jan. 12, 1998).

Out of the mouths of My Scribes and Servants shall issue forth a decree; a declaration which shall be a sending forth of My light and life within My chosen vessels to carry the Everlasting Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth (March 4, 1998).

On the afternoon of April 3, 1998, as the Symposium met, the Spirit suddenly came upon Faith, and she burst forth in prophecy saying (in part),

“It is the hour of the declaration of the work of the living God. And thou shalt go forth from this place, and nothing—nothing—shall be the same. And the natural man shall say to thee, 'But what was accomplished by the Lord in this place?' And in this time thou canst not know the fullness of what I do bring forth in thy midst, for thou shalt go forth from this place, and My word shall begin to run, because of this time that I have drawn thee to me.

“Thus saith the Lord, It is not a prophetic word as thou hast known it, but it is the declaration of the Most High God. For He doth announce before the face and in the ears of this people that which He is about to do.”

After returning home from Spokane, I flew to Hagerstown, Maryland for another conference the following week end. I had been invited to speak at this conference months earlier, of course, long before the Symposium had taken shape. I immediately recognized that Hagerstown was like a double witnesses to the Symposium. What are the odds of meeting at HAGAR'S TOWN at that particular time?? At the conference God gathered another eight people to confirm the Symposium decree casting out the bondwoman.

Of course, the other major contender for the Scepter and the Birthright is Judaism. Both Christianity and Judaism have the Israeli state as their “manchild.” The secular Jews believe that the Israeli state itself is the messiah. The religious Jews and Christians believe that a messiah other than Jesus will come to the Old Jerusalem and live in a rebuilt temple, where Aaronic priests will sacrifice animals, and from which place their messiah will rule the world in the Age to come.

Needless to say, I disagree with this position. But the year 1998 was the Israeli Jubilee. It was 50 years since they declared their independence on May 14, 1948. Round Two of the Dragon Wars centers primarily upon this. Ha'aretz News for April 23, 1998 said this:

Posting “No Trespassing” SignsJubilee Amnesty to cut jail time by 10% for some

“After months of rancorous debate and wild speculation, the nitty-gritty work of deciding who among Israel's prison population will be released in the Jubilee amnesty program will finally commence on May 1, after Israel's 50th Independence Day. . . .

“The Blattman Committee has recommended 10 percent sentence reductions for all prisoners who have completed at least 60% of their sentence by the end of this year . . . . the guess is that some 800 people will have their sentences cut . . .”

This is how the Israelis “kept” their “Jubilee.” They obviously did not keep it biblically. Yet I believe that they established their own level of mercy in the judgment that is yet to come upon Jerusalem and the Israeli state.

The headline of Ha'aretz called it “Jubilee Amnesty.” Of course, in Scripture a Jubilee is the cancellation of ALL debt, and sin is reckoned as a debt. Thus, a true Jubilee is the law of grace, where those who have incurred a debt through sin have been set free from their debt and are released to return to their inheritance.

The Israelis, however, manifested their carnality by limiting grace to 10%, and even then, only a few prisoners benefited from this prison reduction. My discernment of this is that the Israelis established the level of their own mercy by their actions on their Jubilee. When divine judgment hits that nation, their Jubilee Amnesty will prove to be the divine measure by which their own judgment and mercy is measured (Matt. 7:2).

So both the Church and the Israeli State have been contenders for the Scepter and Birthright. Both have been part of Mystery Babylon, and both were disqualified in the sight of God to rule in the Age to come.