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God's Kingdom Ministries
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Showing 193-204 of 315

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 7

Date: 02/01/2009 Issue Number: 247

In November 2000 the transfer of authority was done in heaven, not in secret but without the knowledge of most people. It has yet to be more universally recognized, but this ignorance of the divine will has no effect upon its efficacy. The interim, however, has been marked by appeals and legal challenges in the Divine Court, as the contenders and pretenders to the throne make their case to regain their position of dominance. The first major challenge came on January 29, 2001, sparking a general time of spiritual w

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 6

Date: 01/01/2009 Issue Number: 246

The three rounds of the Tyson-Holyfield fight in 1997 were prophetic of three rounds of warfare in the Dragon Wars: 1997, 1998, and 1999. In seeing this, we knew that we should watch for the dragon's lawlessness and disqualification in the year 1999. In Hebrew time, the year 1999 began Sept. 21, 1998 and extended to the next New Year (Rosh Hoshana) on Sept. 11, 1999. Sept. 11, 1999 was also Jesus' 2000th birthday, and we held a birthday celebration at Port Austin, Michigan. The Dragon Wars had to be conclu

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 5

Date: 12/01/2008 Issue Number: 245

There is an old revelation from about 1980, used often in the Net of Prayer in those days: “July is like September.” In other words, every year some revelation or event occurs in July which is fulfilled or is directly connected to the same date in September. Every year we closely monitor the month of July. Often this means that June is like August as well, especially events occurring toward the end of June. In this case, as I wrote in Part 4, the Tyson-Holyfield fight occurred June 28, the day the 18 women fi

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 4

Date: 11/01/2008 Issue Number: 244

On July 5, 1986 I received a word from the Lord, “My people on the move.” In part, the word said, “Rise up and walk. Be on the move. Do My will . . . I now set you free to do so. Be on the move.” This became applicable precisely ten years later. On June 30, 1996 my wife and I each heard the Lord say, “It's time to move. Move to Minnesota.” When we compared notes later that evening, we made this discovery and knew that it was time to move from Seattle to Minneapolis. Even so, this really took us by surprise. We

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 3

Date: 10/01/2008 Issue Number: 243

I showed earlier that the Church (“Saul”) was called to seek God from 1981-1986, but that they refused. As a consequence, God separated the overcomers from the Church, creating a separate body of people (in His eyes) who would actually comply with the divine will. The result was that the overcomers, prophetically called “the New Net of Prayer,” did from 1991-1996 what the Church had refused to do from 1981-1986. This does not mean that all overcomers were aware of what was going on, nor doe

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 2

Date: 09/01/2008 Issue Number: 242

In Part 1, I gave an overall history of Babylonian bondage, how it began, and how it has progressed over the centuries through the various “beast” systems prophesied by Daniel. Daniel foresaw the “little horn” coming out of the fourth beast (Rome). But it remained for John to add more details to this prophecy. The book of Revelation centers largely upon this “little horn” and then shows how it too was to be displaced by a final beast coming from the earth. This final beast was p

Coming Out of Bondage - Part 1

Date: 08/01/2008 Issue Number: 241

It has now been a year since the sub-prime mortgage crisis first hit the news, beginning the collapse of the economic system as we know it. We know it as Babylon, or at least the economic part of Mystery Babylon. Since the beginning of this year, I have wondered if we might see a seven-year echo of the year 2001. The year 2001 was a year of tremendous spiritual warfare from February to November, with the most important battles occurring in July 2001. These battles came in the context of pouring out the seven bowl

Usurping Authority - Part 2

Date: 07/01/2008 Issue Number: 240

At the end of Part 1, I mentioned King Saul, who usurped the sovereignty of God instead of ruling as one under authority. He thought that being “chosen” meant that he had been given the sovereign right to do as he pleased, and that God would bless his every decision, whether right or wrong. But God never gave away His sovereignty. He only gives authority to men, and all authority is subject to His higher power (i.e., sovereignty). All earthly authority is accountable to God and will be judged according

Usurping Authority - Part 1

Date: 06/01/2008 Issue Number: 239

Prostitution is often referred to as “the oldest profession” by those who believe that the original sin was sexual in nature. I do not personally believe that this is what happened in the Garden. In my view, the original sin was the belief that man could overrule God’s authority and choose a course of action for himself that differed from God’s word. Ever since that time, man has had a tendency to think that he has the right of “choice.” Some also believe that man has the abilit

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 3

Date: 05/01/2008 Issue Number: 238

So far in our study, David has lost three sons: the baby, Amnon, and Absalom. A fourth was yet to be lost in order for David to pay fourfold restitution according to the judgment he had pronounced upon himself in 2 Sam. 12:6. The final son, who was lost toward the end of David's life, was Adonijah. David ruled Israel for a total of 40 years. The first 7 years he ruled from Hebron over Judah; the last 33 years he ruled from Jerusalem over all the tribes of Israel. It was the will of David that Solomon

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 2

Date: 04/01/2008 Issue Number: 237

The justice of God is tempered by mercy. The level of mercy that one receives is measured by the mercy that the sinner has shown to others. James 2:13 says, 13 For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. This works both ways. If a person is totally merciless, then God will be merciless to him, and he will pay the last farthing (Matt. 18:34). But on the other hand, if the sinner has been merciful to others and has had compassion for others who have sinned against him

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 1

Date: 03/01/2008 Issue Number: 236

Psalm 85:10 says, 10 Mercy and truth have met together; righteous-ness and peace have kissed each other. Emotions aside, a kiss is a symbolic act of love, intimacy, and unity. When lips meet, it represents a “face to face” meeting, even as God talked to Moses face to face as a friend (Ex. 33:11). It also represents an exchange of breath, or spirit, even as God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life. That was not only an act of creation but an act of divine love. So how does this ap

Showing 193-204 of 315

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