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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



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Showing 169-180 of 316

Authority of the Almond Rod

Date: 03/01/2011 Issue Number: 272

The Supreme Court of God has ruled in some very important cases over the millennia. We see it in Scripture as well in our own time. One of the most important issues that we must understand is how God chooses and calls both individual people as well as groups and empowers them to rule in the earth. Every calling of God is a divine appointment, from the least to the greatest. Not all who claim those callings have legitimacy, of course. There are many in the ministry who do not have genuine callings, but this fact do

The Supreme Court of God

Date: 02/01/2011 Issue Number: 271

Romans 13:1 tells us that “all authority is from God.” That is, all earthly authority is subordinate to the Creator who is the Owner and King of the universe. While much of the authority of men is misused for personal gain, that is a separate issue. History is full of examples of abuse and misuse of authority. The abuse of authority is actually the basis of the idea of antichrist in Scripture. The Greek term anti means “in place of,” as we see in Matt. 2:22, where “Archelaus was reign

Vengeance Belongs to the God of Love

Date: 01/01/2011 Issue Number: 270

In Romans 12:2, Paul exhorts us: 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. He continues by telling people to exercise their gifts in a diligent manner, and then, beginning in verse 17 he reveals the most important element in the renewing of our minds. 17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone… 19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God

The Coming Prophetic Year 2011

Date: 12/01/2010 Issue Number: 269

The new prophetic year has begun. Each prophetic year finds its climax at the Feast of Tabernacles. Then there is an interim period of a few weeks before the next prophetic year begins. This year the Feast of Tabernacles ended on September 30, 2010. The interim period extended a bit longer than usual this year, ending on November 21, when the new prophetic year began. Each prophetic year starts with two periods of 76 days, because 76 is the biblical number of cleansing. Each year goes through a double cleansing

The Resurrection of Joseph

Date: 11/01/2010 Issue Number: 268

In 2009 we began to see many signs related to Joseph. There was the Passover conference in Manassas, VA on April 10-12, 2009, where God had us begin to focus on Joseph as revealed by his son Manasseh. His name means “forgetfulness,” so the conference was designed to cause to remember Joseph who seemed to have been lost. We held a second Passover conference a year later in Manassas, VA from April 2-4, 2010. On the last day of the conference, we anointed and prayed a special prayer of protection upo

The Revelation of Tabernacles 2010

Date: 10/01/2010 Issue Number: 267

On September 16, 2010 Darla and I left Minneapolis and drove to Pensacola, Florida to teach at a house church. Meetings were scheduled for Sunday and Tuesday evening but I ended up teaching all four evenings, Sunday through Wednesday. Much of these days were spent at the coffee shop with a half dozen men who wanted to talk about “controversial” teachings on a more personal basis. So the days were full and the evenings even fuller. Brother Vinnie, who leads this house church, had a visitation back in 1

The Breach in the Tabernacle of David

Date: 09/01/2010 Issue Number: 266

I flew to San Francisco on Saturday, August 7 to meet with a Spanish Church called the House of Prayer. The last time I had taught there was in July of 2000. I recorded the events of that trip in chapter 24 of The Wars of the Lord. The work at that time was about “Repairing the Wall” at the Sheep Gate, known to us as the Golden Gate Bridge. The breach in the prayer wall protecting America had occurred in 1981 and was the occasion of the first Net of Prayer warfare. The Breach of 1948 The biblical nu

The Eighth Sign of Elisha

Date: 08/01/2010 Issue Number: 265

When we went to California last March to host a Kingdom conference, we took note of the eighth sign of Elisha being fulfilled. As most of you know, these Elisha signs began on April 12, 2009 at Manassas, VA with a declaration of the start of the Elisha Ministry. Since that time we have seen the steady fulfillment of the miraculous signs in the life of Elisha. In March of 2010 we began to see the eighth sign emerging. It began when we crossed the Rubicon River in California on March 8, 2010. The expression, “

China, Persia, and the Kings of the East

Date: 07/01/2010 Issue Number: 264

In biblical times we read of the rise of Babylon and the 70-year captivity of Jerusalem. Babylon established itself as an empire in 607 B.C. and took Jerusalem three years later in 604. These were the main 70-year starting points. Babylon’s 70-year empire ended with the fall of Babylon in 537 B.C., while Jerusalem’s captivity ended three years later in 534. Daniel had prophesied of a succession of empires after the fall of Babylon. Persia, allied with Media, was divinely called to overthrow Babylon, an

The Destroyer from the Abyss

Date: 06/01/2010 Issue Number: 263

At the end of the May issue of the FFI, I mentioned the Watch Date of April 20, 2010 and the fact that this date is 1290 days after the seventh vial was poured out in Babylon, NY on Oct. 7, 2006. The number 1290 is the number of the Desolator. Dan. 12:11 reads, 11 And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. The Hebrew word for “desolation” is shamem, which means to be desolate, devastated, stunned, appalled. It has had some his

Recognizing Joseph in 2010

Date: 05/01/2010 Issue Number: 262

We did not see the ninth sign of Elisha fulfilled at the conference in Manassas, as I had anticipated. It appears that we will see it at the time of the Second Passover in early May. But it is too early to report on this. Other than the teaching and fellowship which we all experienced in Manassas, the main accomplishment on the spiritual/prophetic side was our prayer and anointing for protection in the days ahead. This was done as the result of a number of different people discerning parts of the overall revelation

Operation Snowmageddon

Date: 04/01/2010 Issue Number: 261

Before discussing the prayer campaign that we call “Operation Snowmageddon,” I must account for the events of February 21 as promised at the end of the previous FFI. I had mentioned how the 7th type in the story of Elisha was a two-part type that was to be fulfilled January 27 and February 21, according to pattern dates seen back in 2001. This was in regard to the staff, or Aaron’s rod that bore fruit. At the time of writing, we had passed the date of January 27 but not February 21. “Rece

Showing 169-180 of 316

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