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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



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Showing 61-72 of 316

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Isaiah, part 1

Date: 03/01/2020 Issue Number: 380

The prophet Isaiah was a type of Christ. His Hebrew name is Yeshayah, a combination of Yasha and Yah. The word yasha is the root word (verb) that means “to save.” Yeshua is the noun, “savior.” Yeshayah means “Yah saves.” Hence, Yeshua (Jesus) and Yeshayah (Isaiah) mean the same thing. Isaiah’s commission is given in Isaiah 6:8, 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me.&rd

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Saul and Solomon

Date: 02/01/2020 Issue Number: 379

I have often talked about Saul as an important type of the church during the Pentecostal Age. Yet before he was crowned king on the day of wheat harvest, i.e., Pentecost, he was actually a type Christ, prophesying of deliverance over the devil through the power of the cross. Saul’s coronation took place in 1 Samuel 12, but he was a type of Christ in chapter 11. 1 Samuel 11:1, 2 begins that story: 1 Now Nahash the Ammonite came up and besieged Jabesh-gilead; and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “

Snapshots of the Kingdom: David

Date: 01/01/2020 Issue Number: 378

One of the most important and prominent prophetic types of Christ is King David. Every kingdom must have a king. David is the most notable type prophesying Christ as King. The concept of the king goes back to the original Dominion Mandate given to Adam in Gen. 1:26, 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. T

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Joshua

Date: 12/01/2019 Issue Number: 377

When Moses was about to die, he commissioned Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. In this, he was a type of Christ, who is called to lead us into the Promised Land, or the Kingdom. The Hebrew name, Joshua, is spelled and pronounced Yeshua, which was rendered as Iesus in the Greek New Testament. Iesus itself was a name compounded from Ie and Sus. Ie is the Greek way of writing Yah (short for Yahweh). Sus is the Hebrew word for “horse,” which was a biblical symbol of salvation. It litera

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Moses

Date: 11/01/2019 Issue Number: 376

When Joseph was given the birthright and Judah the scepter, Levi was given the priesthood. Moses was of the tribe of Levi. There was an interim of three or four generations between Levi and the first actual priest (Aaron, who was Moses’ older brother). Scripture says nothing about the manner in which the right of priesthood was passed down. It was not until Aaron received the priesthood that we learn which son of Levi actually received the priesthood. Gen. 46:11 tells us that Levi had three sons: Gershon,

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Joseph

Date: 10/01/2019 Issue Number: 375

Abraham gave us the example of Passover faith, Isaac gave us the example of Pentecostal obedience, and Jacob gave us the example of Tabernacles agreement. The sequence culminates with Joseph, whose rule over Egypt prophesies of Christ’s Kingdom in the earth. The feast of Passover was fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross at Passover. Pentecost was fulfilled in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at the start of the Pentecostal Age. That age has now ended, and we are in the transition of ages

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Jacob

Date: 09/01/2019 Issue Number: 374

Abraham gave us the example of Passover faith, Isaac gave us the example of Pentecostal obedience, and now Jacob gives us the example of Tabernacles agreement. The life of Jacob as a whole lays out the entire Christian walk, culminating in his change of name and nature from Jacob, the believer, to Israel, the overcomer. As such, he is a snapshot of an overcomer, not in his early life but at the end of his wilderness journey. Imperfect Faith Jacob was a believer from the beginning of his story, but his faith wa

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Isaac

Date: 08/01/2019 Issue Number: 373

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are three distinct snapshots of the Kingdom, but yet they are closely tied together as one. Each of these men represent a different feast day revelation in the path to Sonship. Abraham is the example of New Covenant faith, which is the revelation of Passover. Isaac is the example of obedience, which is the revelation of Pentecost. Jacob is the example of agreement, which is the revelation of Tabernacles. When applied to the division of time into ages, we see also a progression of the K

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Abraham

Date: 07/01/2019 Issue Number: 372

The Kingdom of God was established on earth at the time of creation. However, when Adam and Eve sinned, there was a disruption. With the loss of immortality, the essence of Kingdom life was lost, leaving only residual features that also began to be degraded. It is not that the Kingdom of God ceased to exist. After all, creation was still owned by the sovereign Creator by virtue of His labor. But because Adam had been given authority under God, Adam’s sin gave him a debt that he could not pay. Therefore, the

Snapshots of the Kingdom: Creation

Date: 06/01/2019 Issue Number: 371

Many have asked questions about life in the Kingdom after the second coming of Christ. They are curious as to the changes that will occur between now and then, both in one’s personal life and in the governments of the world. In this issue we will attempt to explore these questions. Obviously, since we are peering into the future, we know that we seeing through a glass darkly, as it were. The future has no real precedent from the past. We have only glimpses of the future, prophesied through types and shadows

A More Effective Five-fold Ministry

Date: 05/01/2019 Issue Number: 370

On March 22-24, 2001, God led us to conduct a prayer campaign with the awkward title: He is Building Effective Apostleship. In recent weeks our home team began to discern that this was soon to be revisited (on the next level, of course). Then this topic disappeared from sight until April 21, when we were suddenly given revelation needed to understand the next phase of this emerging ministry. Apostleship can be seen as the leadership of the five-fold ministry that Paul mentions in Eph. 4:11-13, 11 And He gave some

From Chaos to Cosmos, Final

Date: 04/01/2019 Issue Number: 369

When God created man in His own image, it is evident that He intended for man to be free and to enjoy an abundant life (John 10:10). Such a life is not merely immortal but also one that reaches its full potential and enjoys the satisfaction of fulfilling one’s calling in the fullest sense. The world’s pursuit of freedom has proven to be elusive to most people, because men’s definition of freedom has differed from God’s definition. If men do not know what true freedom is, it is hardly possib

Showing 61-72 of 316

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