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If it were not for the Scofield Bible, the idea of Dispensationalism would probably have remained a minority idea and not been a serious problem in the Church today. However, the situation is what it is, and it is there to test our hearts and see if we wil... Read More
Many years ago, when I was young, I read a book by Clarence Larkin called Dispensational Truth without realizing just how far from the truth it was. Dispensationalism is the teaching that attempts to divide time into various ages, each of which... Read More
The Charismatic Movement began largely as a house church movement among the youth in the 1960's. As I understand it, this movement really started as the "Jesus People" movement on college campuses and in the so-called "hippie" cultu... Read More
Rick Spencer is putting together a conference in Kansas City next month in which he has invited speakers from various streams of Reconciliation teaching. He has asked me to be one of the speakers as well. For details, go to Read More
Series: Church House or House Church? - Hebrews 10:25 says, "not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." This verse has often been used as proof that Christians must attend a... Read More
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