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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



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Showing 205-216 of 316

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 1

Date: 03/01/2008 Issue Number: 236

Psalm 85:10 says, 10 Mercy and truth have met together; righteous-ness and peace have kissed each other. Emotions aside, a kiss is a symbolic act of love, intimacy, and unity. When lips meet, it represents a “face to face” meeting, even as God talked to Moses face to face as a friend (Ex. 33:11). It also represents an exchange of breath, or spirit, even as God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life. That was not only an act of creation but an act of divine love. So how does this ap

The Laws of Blood and Redemption

Date: 02/01/2008 Issue Number: 235

Leviticus 17:10 says, 10 And any man from the house of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, who eats any blood, I will set My face against that person who eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people. God did not create blood to be eaten, and to this, the apostles bear witness (Acts 15:20). It had another purpose. To Eat is to Conquer Eating (or consuming) is also a Hebrew idiom for conquering. For example, when the ten spies gave their “evil report” in Num. 13:32, they sai

The Veil is Being Removed

Date: 01/01/2008 Issue Number: 234

In chapter 9 of my book, The Laws of the Second Coming, I recorded how Moses went up the mount eight times and how these eight trips correlate with the feast of Tabernacles. Though I cannot prove it, I believe that Moses came off the mount for the eighth time on the eighth day of the feast of Tabernacles. This eighth trip up the mount is recorded in Exodus 34. After his sixth trip, Moses had broken the tablets of stone on which God had written the Ten Commandments, after he saw the people worshiping the golden cal

Biblical Cleansing Agents

Date: 12/01/2007 Issue Number: 233

The Bible speaks of three agents of cleansing: blood, water, and fire. Each of these has a distinct function and purpose, and each had a literal application in the Old Testament and a spiritual application in the New. Blood as a Cleansing Agent John tells us in 1 John 1:7, 7 But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. This is the New Covenant application of blood as a cleansing agent. It is obvious tha

The Merciful Judgments of God

Date: 11/01/2007 Issue Number: 232

The law is summarized in Deut. 6:5, 5 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. If we were to write a Constitution for a Christian Nation, this would be the summary at the top of it. It would serve as the overall statement of intent, by which we might know the spirit of the law. To this, we might add the second part, as Jesus did, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39). The Ten Commandments are next. These are the headi

The Cross and its Effect

Date: 10/01/2007 Issue Number: 231

The purpose of priesthood is twofold: (1) to mediate between God and man; and (2) to present and teach the word, whether written or spoken. The first purpose has to do with establishing our relationship with God by means of Covenant. The second purpose has to do with upgrading and deepening our understanding of that relationship. Thus, it might be said that the first purpose is to provide us with justification, and the second with sanctification in the progression toward glorification. The Foundations of Chri

Effective and Defective Priests

Date: 09/01/2007 Issue Number: 230

Leviticus 21:17 says that no descendants of Aaron that had defects were allowed to minister to God in His sanctuary. This was, of course, one of the provisions of the Old Covenant, which was applied to those with physical defects. But when we look at the law through the eyes of Christ and apply it in a New Covenant manner, the law takes on an internal application. The law will always be interpreted according to the covenant that defines a person’s relationship with God. The Old Covenant focuses upon external

Qualifications in Approaching God

Date: 08/01/2007 Issue Number: 229

The Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon each had an outer court, a Holy Place, and a Most Holy Place. The citizens of the Kingdom were allowed to approach God as far as the outer court. The priests were allowed to approach God in the Holy Place. The High Priest was allowed to approach God in the Most Holy Place once a year. One’s nearness to God was determined by these three positions in the Kingdom. To these were added a fourth distinction in later years, when they erected a dividing wall in the o

God's Household

Date: 07/01/2007 Issue Number: 228

The Temple in Jerusalem was called God’s House, as Solomon indicated in 1 Kings 8:13, saying, 12 Then Solomon said, ‘The Lord has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud. 13 I have surely built Thee a lofty house [beth], a place for thy dwelling forever’ [olam, “indefinitely”]. (Incidentally, here the word olam is used, which does not mean “for all time.” Obviously, not only was the temple destroyed after only two centuries, but also the presence of God left that plac

Jerusalem's 40 Years of Grace

Date: 06/01/2007 Issue Number: 227

In Ezekiel 4 the prophet was told to intercede for Israel and Judah according to specific time cycles for each nation. God told him first to lie on his left side for 390 days for the house of Israel—the northern tribes that had been taken into the Assyrian captivity a century earlier. Then he was to lie on his right side for 40 days for Judah and Jerusalem, as we read in Ezekiel 4:6 and 7, 6 When you have completed these, you shall lie down a second time, but on your right side, and bear the iniquity of the

Despising the Birthright

Date: 05/01/2007 Issue Number: 226

Genesis 25 tells the story how Esau sold his birthright for a single meal. Verse 34 concludes, “Thus Esau despised his birthright.” Hebrews 12:15, 16 comments on this: 15 See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled; 16 that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. We are not told how Esau obtained a root of bitterness in his life. But the comment in Hebrews 12 is fou

God's Last Will and Testament

Date: 04/01/2007 Issue Number: 225

From the beginning, the earth has been man’s inheritance under God. God owns the earth by right of creation, but He was the Creator, not the inheritor. To be an inheritor, one must receive it from another who has died. Since God had no predecessor, it cannot strictly be said that the earth is His inheritance. The earth is man’s inheritance. The lawful process of giving us the inheritance began when Jesus died on the cross. Hebrews 9:15-17 says, 15 And for this reason He is the mediator of a new covena

Showing 205-216 of 316

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