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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



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Showing 253-264 of 316

The Book of Revelation - Part 22 Revelation 15

Date: 08/01/2004 Issue Number: 191

We have now concluded our study of Revelation 14. In that chapter John saw the overcomers emerging with power in the world. It spoke of angels declaring that “the hour of His judgment is come” (14:7) and that “Babylon is fallen” (14:8). The actual judgment of the earth, as we said, is a time of world evangelism, and the sword used is the Sword of the Spirit. The “vines” of the earth are the nations, as we saw in Isaiah 5. This interpretation is confirmed in Psalm 80:8, where it s

The Book of Revelation - Part 21

Date: 07/01/2004 Issue Number: 190

To properly understand God’s judgments recorded in Revelation 14, a person must know the purpose of the manifestation of the sons of God and the outpouring of the Spirit in the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. We have written much about the Feast of Tabernacles in other writings, and so we will not repeat those studies here. Revelation 14 is primarily about the manifestation of the sons of God in the first few verses, and the rest of the chapter deals primarily with the succeeding events. The most re

The Book of Revelation - Part 20

Date: 06/01/2004 Issue Number: 189

Revelation 14:13 reads, 13 And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on! Yes, says, the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them. Why are these people “blessed” if they “die in the Lord from now on”? What does “now” mean? To what time frame is this referring? It is apparent that the time frame has to do with the events of the previous verses forming its context. “Now” has

The Book of Revelation - Part 19

Date: 05/01/2004 Issue Number: 188

As we saw in our previous study, the first angel has to do with the message of the overcomers when they are manifested in the earth. The second angel announces the fall of the Babylonian world system that has held the people of the world in bondage since the time of Daniel. Daniel 7:18, 26, 27 says that this world system would take the form of four beasts, plus another form called a “little horn,” until the time came for the saints to possess the Kingdom. Then jurisdiction over the earth will be given t

The Book of Revelation - Part 18

Date: 04/01/2004 Issue Number: 187

With this issue we begin a new chapter in Revelation. Revelation 13 covered a large portion of history. The first beast covered 42 prophetic months (1,260 years), primarily from 529-1789 A.D. Then the second beast began to overthrow the first beast, and yet also worked alongside it in a shaky alliance. While the first beast is primarily the religious beast of Rome, the second beast is the secular beast primarily led by Freemasonry and its allies. This second beast infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church and finally

The Book of Revelation - Part 17

Date: 03/01/2004 Issue Number: 186

The fall of Napoleon in 1815 marked a very important turning point in European history. Not only did it signal the resurrection of the papacy, but it also signaled the rise of the Rothschild money power, particularly the London branch of N. M. Rothschild, founded in 1798 by Nathan Rothschild. It was in the fall of Napoleon that he quadrupled his fortune and became a major monetary power house. This new power is responsible for the economic feature of the second beast described in Revelation 13. So let us return to

The Book of Revelation - Historical Supplement #2 Abraham Lincoln & Father Charles Chiniquay

Date: 02/20/2004 Issue Number: 185

This article reflects an author from the 1800’s, who wrote the book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. It seems important to us here in America to see how the papal policies of the bitter old Pope Pius IX affected American history, particularly our Civil War and the ultimate assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. Father Charles Chiniquy was a Canadian Roman Catholic priest for 25 years. As a boy, his mother read the Bible to him, giving him an extraordinary love for the Scriptures. One day in 1818 thei

The Book of Revelation - Historical Supplement #1 Holy Alliance to the Kingdom of Italy

Date: 02/10/2004 Issue Number: 185

The “fatal wound” of the beast was healed in 1815 with the final downfall of Napoleon, after he had taken the Pope captive and had moved him to France—in essence, overthrowing the “eternal city” of Rome as the seat of his capital. But Napoleon’s fatal mistake was in his invasion of Russia. Though he technically won the war and took Moscow, he lost most of his troops. Russia could replace their troops, but France could not replace these elite and experienced troops so easily. The

The Book of Revelation - Part 16 Napoleon

Date: 02/01/2004 Issue Number: 185

In our last bulletin we showed how Washington D.C. was established by an alliance between Roman Catholics and Freemasons. While each group attached its own specific meaning to the symbolism, particularly of Virgo, both used the occult to further their goals. The idea behind the astrological symbolism is the basic idea that “as in heaven, so in the earth.” By this maxim, they meant to bring heaven to earth by their own works. For example, by establishing Washington D.C. and its capitol on a day where Vi

The Book of Revelation - Part 15 The American Revolution

Date: 01/01/2004 Issue Number: 184

It would be a mistake to think that the Jesuits took control of the entire Masonic organization in the 1780’s. There is a great degree of autonomy between the various lodges. Hence, we find that when Weishaupt’s Illuminati was accepted by the lodges in the alliance of 1782, this did not necessarily mean that every lodge was suddenly Illuminized—not even all of the lodges in Europe itself. In fact, this seems to have begun a struggle between two groups for the heart and soul of Masonry. As time pa

The Book of Revelation - Part 14 The Illuminati

Date: 12/01/2003 Issue Number: 183

With the historical background that we have given in the past few bulletins, we have finally come to the central issue facing us. It is this: Who or what organization was actually behind the French Revolution of 1789-1793? It is necessary to answer this question in order to explain the statement in Rev. 13:12, where the second beast causes men to worship its predecessor, the first beast (i.e., the Roman Church). A related question is this: WHY did the second beast defer to the first beast? Were they in some way two

The Book of Revelation - Part 13 Occult Messianism

Date: 11/01/2003 Issue Number: 182

The second beast in Revelation 13 is a messianic beast. It has two horns like a lamb, claiming to be chosen by God to rule the world. This beast has many manifestations. We have already shown some history of the Roman Church, which openly teaches that God has given it authority to rule the world. They base their claim on a supposed “apostolic succession” from Peter. But others challenge their claim. We saw in our last issue how the Dragon Court of European royal families claimed a “messianic-bloo

Showing 253-264 of 316

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