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God's Kingdom Ministries
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Showing 277-288 of 316

The Anti-Christ

Date: 10/01/2002 Issue Number: 169

“Antichrist” is a word used only by one biblical writer. John writes of antichrist five times in two of his epistles. One of these times he writes it as a plural, “antichrists” and another times he refers to “the spirit of antichrist.” John seems to speak of antichrist as an end-time individual, but also as a group of people (“antichrists”) who have “the spirit of antichrist.” But since John himself defines the term for us, let us read 1 John 2:18-23, 18

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 9 Replacement Theology

Date: 09/01/2002 Issue Number: 168

This will be the final bulletin of this series, and we will attempt to tie everything together that we have shown up to this point. There is much that we will summarize. We will assume you know much by now. It is commonly taught among prophecy teachers that in 1948 the nation called “Israel” was the fulfillment of the biblical promises to Abraham and all the prophets. We have attempted to show that this is not so. The nation called “Israel” is the fulfillment of a different set of prophecie

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 8 West Bank Settlements

Date: 08/15/2002 Issue Number: 167

Lasting peace is impossible in the Middle East as long as both the Arab people and the Jewish State exist. It is even doubtful if even the establishment of a Palestinian State would resolve this problem, because both sides would insist upon having Jerusalem as its capital. Neither side will budge on the issue of Jerusalem. Thus, the war will continue until one side exterminates the other, or until all of them are dead. As the situation exists today, it is impossible that the Jews would concede defeat and leave the

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 7 Woe to Ariel

Date: 08/01/2002 Issue Number: 166

Judaism’s sacred texts are called the Talmud, which are rabbinic commentaries on the Bible. Dr. Israel Shahak says on p. 5 of his Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, “Jewish fundamentalists believe that the Bible itself is not authoritative unless interpreted correctly by Talmudic literature.” After the fall of Judea and the cessation of the temple rituals in the first century, the rabbis could not help but understand that God had done this to them because of their sin. However, they never believed

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 6 Zionist Persecution of Jews

Date: 07/15/2002 Issue Number: 165

The United Nations Partitions Palestine By the Spring of 1947 the British government saw that its presence in Palestine was untenable. The work of the Jewish terrorists had become too successful. It should be noted that it was not Arab terrorism that caused the British to leave Palestine. It was the work of the Jewish terrorists, most notably Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. The British government gave the Palestinian problem into the hands of the newly-formed United Nations, which debated the resolution from N

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 5 The Cursed Fig Tree

Date: 07/01/2002 Issue Number: 164

In discussing the spirit of Zionism, we saw in Part One and Part Two of this series that the Jews got tired of waiting for a messiah to end their dispersion and bring them “back to the Promised Land.” Their dispersion did not end, because the Jews did not (as a people) repent of their “hostility” to Jesus Christ—which the divine law specified as a condition for the end of captivity (Lev. 26:40, NASB). Certain Jews finally decided that the time had come for them to take matters into th

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 4 Jewish Terrorism (CONT)

Date: 06/15/2002 Issue Number: 163

On Nov. 6, 1944 two young terrorists from Yitzhak Shamir’s Lehi (Stern Gang) assassinated Britain’s Minister for Middle East Affairs, Lord Moyne, in Cairo, Egypt. The assassins were caught, tried, and hanged on Mar. 23, 1945. Menachem Begin was upset with Shamir, not because of the act of terrorism, but because Shamir had not warned Begin beforehand, which would have allowed Begin to prepare for the British reaction and their crackdowns on terrorists. In his book, The Revolt, on pages 150, 151, Begin ch

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 3 Jewish Terrorism

Date: 06/01/2002 Issue Number: 162

Modern Zionism began primarily as a nationalistic movement to obtain political power in Palestine. But the 1967 war, when the Israelis took control of Jerusalem and the West Bank, sparked a type of secular messianism that had lingered just under the surface. It is a peculiar belief of messianism that is held by atheistic Jews who dominate the Israeli government even today. It is the belief that the Jewish people collectively are its own messiah. Jewish opinion is divided on this subject. But this is the political

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 2 Beginnings of Zionism

Date: 05/15/2002 Issue Number: 161

We showed in part one of this series how the divine law clearly states that Israel’s right to be in the Promised Land was contingent upon their obedience to God and His law. Because they continually refused to be obedient, God Himself “sold” Israel into the hands of foreign nations all through the book of Judges. Yet because they were allowed to remain in the land, it was merely a wooden yoke put upon them. Only centuries later did God finally begin to impose upon them the “yoke of iron&rdq

Zionism in Bible Prophecy - Part 1 Two Trees of Judah

Date: 05/01/2002 Issue Number: 160

In the light of current events, with the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis out of control, it is needful to inform you how the situation developed and why. Even more important, we must see how Zionism is prophesied in the Bible and what God thinks of it. In our last series on “Who’s Who in Prophecy,” we showed that Esau’s descendants (the nation of Edom, or Idumea) were forcibly converted to Judaism in 126 B.C. when John Hyrcanus conquered them and gave them a choice of con

Who's Who in Prophecy, Jacob-Israel - Part 2

Date: 04/01/2002 Issue Number: 159

In this bulletin we will show how God first gave both Israel and Judah the opportunity to carry His glory, the ark of the covenant. God always gives the flesh the first opportunity. We will then show how they both failed, even as the flesh always does. Finally, we will show how God brought forth the real plan, one which will succeed in bringing His glory into all the earth as God vowed to do in Num. 14:21, saying, 21 But indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. God’s Glo

Who's Who in Prophecy, Jacob-Israel - Part 1

Date: 03/01/2002 Issue Number: 158

Jacob was not born an Israelite. He had to “earn it” the hard way. God did not call him Israel until he was 98 years old and had become the kind of person that fit the name. The first usage of this name Israel is not racial, national, political, or religious. It has to do with character and relationship with God. The name was also meant to be a testimony or a witness to the sovereignty of God and all of its implications. Israel means “God rules.” As Dr. Bullinger says in his notes on Gen. 3

Showing 277-288 of 316

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