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God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study



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Showing 289-300 of 316

Who's Who in Prophecy, Esau - Part 3

Date: 02/01/2002 Issue Number: 157

The story of Jacob and Esau is a complex set of prophetic events centering on their character and their actions. It is not a subject that has been taught in the Church except in small groups. Most of what has been taught has been from the assumption that the Jews are Jacob and perhaps the Palestinians are Esau. I recall in 1978 when Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin made peace with Egypt’s Anwar Sadat. A radio “Bible Questions and Answers” minister, Dr. Benjamin Morris, praised this peace trea

Who's Who in Prophecy, Esau - Part 2

Date: 01/01/2002 Issue Number: 156

We have showed so far that there have always been a number of contenders for the land of Palestine. If we define Zionism as the belief that God has given certain people title to the land, then we see that Ishmael, Esau, and Jacob all claim that right. Trying to sort it out with justice to all is a major task that is beyond the capability of virtually all world leaders today. In Genesis 21:9-13 we read about how Ishmael was in conflict with Isaac over the birthright, and this is confirmed in Galatians 4:28-30. We r

Who's Who in Prophecy, Esau - Part 1

Date: 12/01/2001 Issue Number: 155

Understanding Esau—who he is and how his life has affected modern history—is of utmost importance in the study of Bible prophecy. To treat this important subject in a single bulletin is not possible, so this will be part one. The descendants of Esau were called various names in the Bible. The first name was Edom, which means “red,” as we read in Genesis 25:30 in the NASB, 30 and Esau said to Jacob, "Please let me have a swallow of that red stuff there, for I am famished." Therefo

Who's Who in Prophecy - Ishmael

Date: 11/01/2001 Issue Number: 154

The time has come for the Church to understand (from the biblical perspective) who the major players are in the world today. This study is intended to help Christians see how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today. Many think they already know. It is my belief that relatively few really understand who today is represented by Ishmael, Esau, and Israel. For this reason we intend to devote three bulletins to these three men whose lives have changed history. Ishmael is perhaps the most complex of the three. He repres

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 6 Usurping and Betrayal

Date: 10/01/2001 Issue Number: 153

We ended last time with a brief study of the mystery of iniquity (lawlessness) contrasted with the mystery of godliness. We showed that the mystery of godliness had to do with accepting Jesus Christ as King, believing in Him, and being indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The mystery of godliness is, in essence, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” On the other side, the mystery of lawlessness involves the rejection of Jesus Christ as King, NOT believing in Him, and refusing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 5 Two Jerusalems

Date: 09/01/2001 Issue Number: 152

One cannot understand the concept of tribulation in the Bible without seeing it in the context of Jerusalem. Nor can one understand the fulfillment of prophecy without seeing that there are two Jerusalems: the old Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem. This distinction makes it possible to understand the seeming contradiction between biblical statements of blessings and curses upon Jerusalem. In Isaiah 62 we read a prime example of “Jerusalem” in a favorable light. 1 For Zion's sake I will not keep sile

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 4 Purpose of Israeli State

Date: 08/01/2001 Issue Number: 151

Tribulation has come and will again come upon the city of Jerusalem. This is clearly prophesied in Scripture. In our previous bulletin we showed how God was to treat Jerusalem in the same manner as He did with Shiloh—the first place where God put His name. The first round of tribulation came when God raised up the Babylonians to burn the temple and destroy the city and its walls during the days of Jeremiah. However, this did not completely fulfill the prophecy. After a 70-year captivity in Babylon, a remnant

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 3 The Book of Judges

Date: 07/01/2001 Issue Number: 150

One of the most frequently expressed concerns among Christians is: When is the Tribulation going to begin? The real question that people seldom ask is: When is the Tribulation going to END? Tribulation has been ongoing for thousands of years in the long-term sense. In addition to this, of course, there have been short-term tribulation times specifically directed against certain nations in specific geographical locations. In the book of Judges we read about six distinct times of tribulation, or trouble, where the

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 2 How to Live in Babylon

Date: 06/01/2001 Issue Number: 149

Our first part showed the difference between the iron yoke and the wooden yoke. The iron yoke was God's judgment upon Israel when that nation refused to repent and submit to the captivity after God had sold the nation into the hands of a foreign nation. It meant that God would empower the foreign nation to take Israel by force. The land would be destroyed, and the people deported to other lands, where they would serve out their sentence. The wooden yoke, on the other hand, was a lighter sentence upon the natio

A Short History of Tribulation - Part 1 The Laws of Captivity

Date: 05/01/2001 Issue Number: 148

Many Christians are concerned about the future. They have been told that there will soon be a great tribulation in which much of the earth will be destroyed. A powerful man, they say, will arise (called Antichrist), who will present himself to the world as a man of peace, but who will actually be a satanically-inspired dictator intent on making war against God Himself. It is often taught that this tribulation will last seven years. The book of Revelation is generally literalized to the point where they believe tha

The Rest of the Law - Part 7 The Purpose of the Law

Date: 04/01/2001 Issue Number: 147

Our study of "the rest of the law" could continue for many years, because this is a very large topic. We do not propose to do so. However, in order to really understand the rest of the law, one must see it from the perspective of the New Testament. That is, we must understand it, not only from the perspective of the Passover Age, but also from the perspective of the Pentecostal Age. Furthermore, since we are now entering into the Age of Tabernacles, we ought to have a clearer perspective of the law than

The Rest of the Law - Part 6 The Law of Blind Servants

Date: 03/01/2001 Issue Number: 146

So much may be said of each law--and indeed, each word in the Bible--that we must of necessity limit our comments to only a portion of the "the rest of the law." We will, therefore, skip some verses in Exodus 21, where we have been studying, and comment upon the Law of Blind Servants in verse 26. . . 26 And if a man strikes the eye of his male or female slave, and destroys it, he shall let him go free on account of his eye. We saw in our last issue that in the Bible even slaves have certain rights. No m

Showing 289-300 of 316

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